Gecko on table staring up at light

## hominids hominids lived nearby no-one visited them i won't mention why on my bicycle i walked it a kilometre down a small track at a t-intersection with a road i bicycled to the left the hominids were to the right reaching the hamlet

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Eyes like the Forest (1)

The road followed them up and to the west, to every major and minor city, town and hamlet that claimed home against that range.

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Accidents happen

The chestnut coated horse wasn't actually named glimmer by any sane person of course, his 'friends' gave him the nickname after someone had thrown glitter at him and it had stuck since, known far and wild in little hamlet he lived in.

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The Chronical'ers Journal part 3

And thus the powerful heavy armored dilos and ankylos of stachelmacht came across the border, burning small hamlets and villages down in revenge and in the hunt for the upright raptors.

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It was a start...

The town was circular it had once been a small hamlet but it's location as a center of trade between the natives and the people of newport had soon seen to the changing of that.

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Chapter 37 - The Southern Raiders

In the distance they spotted a small hamlet with a few twinkling lights perched around the buildings. they pressed their horses hard in that direction.

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"The Thin Line," Part LL

He might have stayed, save for the frantic and loud gronking of the ants still quartered in the hamlet.

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Geography part 1

Some city-states are great cities while some are made of a microcosm of hamlets nmarians also have a reputation to be unrepentant liars and commonly obese. they make excellent traders and bankers.


The Picture

As a sign of respect the residents called the newly formed hamlet hallham.

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Gam Saan (The Golden Mountain)

Ride by schooner was a long, nauseous, disease-filled trip which saw sheng lee lose his meals more times tha nhe cared to admit on the six-month boat ride from the chinese port town of shanghai to a city which a few years ago was nothing more than a sleepy hamlet

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The Flower of Scotland

Remember hamlet's eulogy for his father?" i nodded. "'he was a man, take him for all in all / i shall not look upon his like again.'" "and so shall you never see another man like your grandpa. or me. and we shall never see another man like you."

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Draw to the Heart (teaser)

The town grain elevator and water tower stood over the tiny hamlet even from kilometres away. sammy watched as the line of telephone poles parallel to the road passed by on the side, one by one, broken up by the occasional bush or tree.

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