
She called out on the headphones. she was thrown hard against her harness by the force of the braking as the speed brakes deployed.

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Line 8 to Downtown

He removed the headphones. "uh, thanks," he said, passing them back to the fox behind him. the stranger took the headphones with a knowing grin, replying "your pleasure is all mine." wes thought the phrasing was a little odd.

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Playing With Food

Laying beef down on a table they strapped him down as before placing the headphones on him so he could continue to listen and watch the hypnotic screen.

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Brotherly Love - Part 1 - New Beginnings

Her voice cut through the dobermans headphones, causing him to perk his ears, dragging himself up and following the principle into her office.

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The beginning is. . .

He took out the headphone and looked back to catch the fresh pillar of black smoke emerging from the city skyline. axel sighed, and turned to face the front of the limo.

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Mistakes - Chapter 1

Yelping in fright, sammy jumped frantically to turn off the computer, clean up, and put is dick away all once, but instead only succeeded in becoming entangled in his headphone lead, falling backwards over the side of his chair and yanking out his headphones

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Talk of the Town

Some pokemon entered the room and was confused until they put on the headphones and he turned the projector on. a huge spiral covered the screen and words started protruding from the headphones. most people would use this to make money.

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Holy Leviathan

She could still see the shape of the headphones and laughed inside, the only indication a smile on her face. it wasn't a long walk, but it was stressful. she had noticed that splitter hadn't opened his eyes in a long time.

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A Christmas Gift

Lowering the headphone volume, he turns around... and it was just him. "hey, what're you doing here alone?"

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Late night annoyances story

She gasped softly, pausing the movie, and tugging her headphone off one ear. she listened carefully.

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A Furry Night - Chp 1

Placing two computer discs and a small booklet on the desk, he removed both headphones from the case. each one looked like a normal headphone, but ended in a usb end.

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The Camping Trip - The Detour

I rolled my eyes and put in my headphones, blasting metal into my head while my dad started flipping through the radio stations. after about an hour, i took out my headphones. my dad was listening to journey, and i grinned.

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