Black Skies Chapter 1: Breakout

He stopped stunned as red ichors began to pour from the wounds, then tumbled backwards and fell onto the asphalt, blood collecting under his corpse. the two remaining guards dived behind a crate.

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Where Little Tentacle Monsters Come From

Immediately the males set to work at the tasks of mating their sisters and devouring each other while the females rooted around and located nipples around the bottom of their mother's central trunk, sometimes biting her and licking up the ichor that flowed

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Zion: Light of the New Moon, Bannihar's Milestone 1b

The champion grit his teeth, gauntleted paws digging grooves in the dirt where he lay as he growled, black fluid and dribbling ichor pulled from his wounds by the divine powers.

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Magi: Outside Help

When she pulled her paw away from the symbol the creature was entirely stuck, thrashing about and trying to free itself from the strange ichor that covered the beast.

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Lay Me Down To Sleep

A wolf with fur black as ichor wrapped their other hand around the tail base of a rat. fingers, strained around the thick, flailing, tail to keep the base of a dildo embedded in the patchwork ass.

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COMMISSION - Story for Seraphon

Despite the comforting, albeit tentative, light of the fire, in itself it contained one of the darker contradictions of this world; its warm and comforting light could only be produced by burning volatile monster ichor - a substance only exceeded

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Blood Red Ch 1

Instead, she saw a sink almost full to the brink with dark red ichor, with a steady stream of the stuff dripping from a broken tile in the ceiling.

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All Things Quiet And Sweet Alt Ending 1 - Start of Darkness

Blood covered everything but himself, cooling red ichor which had long stopped dripping. the horses were beyond saving. necks twisted, bodies snapped, eyes torn from skulls. the remains of the pegasus laid before him.

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Wolfen Chapter One: Vorwuk

** ** standing before the rivulets cascading as a deluge of sludge and muck he could only liken to spring snowmelts, vylik confirms his. . .thoughts of just what this ichor is, blood among other things.

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ICG: Ch4 In Which

Suddenly, the beedrill pinning me _burst_, and coat me and the ground in their ichorous innards. i fall forwards limply into the slime.

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Between Takes

To the fore of the diaper baruti noted there was a lewd splash of sodden yellow, indicating that kiara had urinated while forcing her movement, and that the golden yellow ichors had soaked into the absorbent tissues of the diaper's forward compartment.

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