Dungeon Antics #2

It had been 3 weeks since Brevan had been captured by the strange goat demon and kept as a pet. He hadn't seen another face for all that time. He'd began to worry that he wasn't going to see anyone ever again. Since his capture, the Feline warrior...

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Torchlight International Part 1: The Grand Road

A bright, metallic-textured logo for torchlight international swept across the screen, accompanied with cheesy, energetic music played on electric pianos and saxophones.

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The Twelve Talismans:Dimensional Travels - Chapter 40 - Internment

"we took over a nice little internment camp. it's wonderful: the nazi drop off prisoners, and we free them. 'course... gabumon and i do enjoy the occasional hands-on work."

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Sheila's Playdate (Cub 18+)

Sheila jumped a bit as she head the knock on the door. No one was supposed to be over today, and it was super early. Like coffee early. At least that's what mom had always said. She walked to the door reaching her little striped paw up to the knob and...

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Like Lovers Do...

"Gods above you are beautiful..." He murmured under his breath, leaning lazily against the kitchen counter. His long black hair spilled down the gunmetal grey furred vulpine's back, his tails twitching slowly behind him. Vanilla scented cigar smoke...

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A Good Interview

I fully intend to have him fucked and i fully intend to have his poor internal penis pounded like it was made to be. there will be a bit more bdsm stuff near the end. i hope you enjoy.

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Life Goes On: Part 2 - Things just got complicated

DISCLAIMER: just a fair warning my stories contain strong language, adult themes and situations, violence, etc. if you don't like any of this don't read on, and if you do, don't complain about it, seeing as how I did warn you......

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Life Goes On: Part 1 - Daily Life

Just a bit of a disclaimer before I start to enter this story. This fictional novella will contain strong adult language. If you dont like it too bad, you've been warned. Oh and I might not be the greatest writer either, so consider that a fair warning...

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Lady of the Manor

It's good to be the lady of the castle. Whatever I ask for I receive, and this time I see something I want. It's a male Catari, or cat person. He looked like a cat that grew to human size and learned to walk on his hind legs. His fur was long and...

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Jay the Unfortunate Trainer

My name is Jay, if you haven't already heard it all over the place. And I must say that if in the past you would have thought I surely couldn't get any more popularity than I already have, guess again. A few years ago I had achieved a rather large...

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Shades of Gray

The two sides may be conflicting internally, but outside i knew there was no contest- dolphin trumps human any time!

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