Tangled Instincts

luther pawed the disk and held it toward wind, but when the handler went and reached for it, luther retracted his arm.

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If You Make a Wolf a Slave Part 1: He Will Probably Be Happy

luther clapped his hand together. "well that settles it then! how soon do you want to start?" ethan took no time in responding. "the sooner the better!"

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Leviathan 12: Speak Your Word

Maybe she can catch luther too, see if there's some sort of branch to extend to him. she needs a way to get closer to cottonmouth, and luther knows people at northpoint. could be a weakness.

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CYOA: Love Potion - Small Successes

"luther," he said. "help." crystal paused. "fenner said his pig was named luther. that you?" grunting, luther tried in vain to lift grantham into the truck. "yes. help?" to her credit, the human woman helped.

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A Queen of Nothing Prologue 1.3

luther was chatting with a noble across from the two. he was a plump fellow with glasses covering old, worn out eyes and a wise smile. luther's charm seemed to be working, as it always had with humans.

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The Butler

"when we're just having guest over casually then you will wear what max's wearing and wear luthers outfit under". the fox was looking at the german shepard so jared guessed he was max. "if no one else his here then you'll wear luthers outfit".

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After The Draft

"uh... drink for luther?" luther inclined his head down at his phone. lauren let go of it, and forced herself to take a couple breaths while luther took his drink. the two of them made their way over to a table, and took a seat.

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A Fox's Family (Part Two)

"we weren't 'just there,' luther. it's been forever." they were all seated around the large dark brown oak table.

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Luther-Puris Academy - Intro

* * * "luther-puris academy for the exceptionally gifted", read the silver engraved sign on the front gate.

Unregulated - Chapter 15

While lumina managed to keep her clothes clear, it did land on luther's black dress pants, causing a small stain. "well then."

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Dynasty: Origins, Act 08.5: Intermission

luther deville explained a new way of putting nether energy into the population of tonoko city. luther was a rarely seen jibodi. he had long rabbit-like ears, a tan fur color and it was quite fluffy.

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Remembering Battles Fought Not That Long Ago

This was a poem i made for martin luther king day a while ago even if i didn't post it exactly then either.

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