
Just something short and (hopefully) meaningful. i'm interested to know what you think. also confucianism is a form of quietism, basically that there is a natural order to the world and for humans to fit in to this order they must accept their fate.

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Dragon Kings

Keo felt sheena licking him, and he sat up to push her head down meaningfully. he fell back as the maiden followed his hints, bobbing her draconic head up and down with the rhythm of his humping.

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Wizards and a Dragon

There are so many who are falling into debauchery with no meaning, but even a one night stand could be made into something meaningful. fighting his inner desire and seeking out any experts, he heads on over towards the warp to the beach.

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[SFW] Squirrely Days #005 - Yineh

I'd almost always rather be having a meaningful conversation with someone rather than touching them. yineh: why not enjoy both? not like i stop talking to people just because we're messing around.

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Zion: Light of the New Moon, Ch 5.1 Doen

In taggart's case, i felt a different kind of uncertainty... something more... meaningful. in response, i gently pulled him down toward me and met his muzzle again with my own.

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Beauty of the mind - new beginnings #2.1

Conversations got shorter and eventually failed completely and about two hours later, when they finally gave up, they had barely exchanged anything meaningful besides the superficial details.

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Queen Muz-Ra #21 (Conclusion)

My mistake was not believing in you, my loyal subjects, to accept this relationship as real, meaningful and acceptable." the jarl paused for a moment. | [!

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Fenrir's Return (WIP)

Also, there will most likely be no yiff as i am nowhere talented enough to write yiff in such a way that it would be a meaningful part of the story, my writing abilities are not at that level yet.

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Ferret Chronicles_ Strange connection

Females laid in silence. maliwakee held the butterflies hand the entire time and everyonce and awhile shed sneak a peek at him to find him looking at her. sophia, maliwakee, tyler and maria all ran around all the while the ferret and the butterfly shared meaningful

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Day 3: delays

I'd like a deep and meaningful thing with another but for right now, i want to work hard on my research and fuck for the fun of it. though a bunk mate would be nice, steady sex and my room and office wouldn't be so lonely at night.

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Desiring a Ghost

If you want to keep buying me guy's merch, i recommend it fer somethin' more meaningful." "you olready accepted my money. either gimme the shit now or go fuck yerself." the badger shoved the bricks in the wolf's hand and turned around.

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Number One

He and andre spoke of a team, in which they would combine their strengths to reach greater heights, and so they would have someone meaningful to share their victories with. not a leech who only wanted fame, as jean had said in less polite terms.

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