Blank Verse Essay on Intentionality in Queer Fiction

I will not say here, 'no more happy ends.' I won't presume to undercut the need For stories of queer heroes of queer worlds Where homophobia has never been. For gods of sunset, moon, and winter know That if no tale but such as these were told...

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Sonnets and the Sublime

The snow leopard had gone on for fifteen minutes quoting shakespearian sonnets while he attempted to explain the difference between pyrrhic and iambic pentameter for berthold's homework.

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A Folded Bird

pentameters. when i write, i write. i don't think about why. i don't fit it to meet structure. i just ... do it. i do it because i can, and because," he said, trailing. blowing out a breath. and then sipping more water. "i hate the poems.

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Advice to the Traumatized Coyote in the Passenger Seat of My Tow Truck

I'm not the guy you come to for advice Unless it's on what not to do. Besides You shouldn't take just anyone's advice. You don't mind if I ramble on a bit? Save you the grief of making small talk, yeah? Besides, there isn't much to see out...

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Boarding Days

The real crime was that he'd mixed iambic and dactylic pentameter; the english master would be livid. i should have reported him, come to think of it. but that was all, sadly.

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(Scene, An Room Within ye Strongehold of the Pyrate Lord O’Donnel.)

(Enter James McCloud, and Wolf O'Donnell. They bring with them Richard and Robin, bound and gagged.) Wolf: I had hoped to escape affairs of state! James: For you and I to scape them, so must they At least a little while. This dismal cell Must...

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Demon Dorms

(though, really, he shouldn't have been complaining, because mocking english majors in iambic pentameter was a favourite pastime of his.)

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Paint the Town Red - Chapter 1

I've tried a bit of everything, some haikus, limericks, free verse, iambic pentameter; i even tried writing an epic poem once!" "why'd you stop?" kerry asked.

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Heraclitan Bird-Songs

**Jisei-Sonnet** : _The Heraclitan Bird Prepares For Death_ Denied by all, the black and cursèd bird Encased within the pang of pain and grieving, And painted with a crest that sang deceiving, Defied the world - corrupting all they...

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Unemployed, Ch. 9: Some Currency

Neil stood up and spoke, "authority speaks in iambic pentameter. we must act in lockstep or it all falls apart." "dad, i'm still working." "i know. but you have the rarest competence of them all. all i ask of you is to try your best."

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Above Average Part 17

"you can take your iambic pentameter and shove it up your ass. you made me late." tiffany grumbled as she checked her watch once more. "alright. alright. it was nice to see you too. enjoy your date." kyle replied with a chuckle. "no.

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Midnight Rendezvous

No i don't care about iambic pentameter or am very good at poetry, what gave it away? ~7,300 words detective andersons cruiser idles in the parking lot of a small gas station surrounded by massive pine trees.

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