FInding Happiness at Hartham High

"out of the way gay boy rue!" one girl said and pushed him to the side. yeah, that was him. his name was reuben rickerson and he was in 9th grade.

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My Highschool Life Begins (Chapter 1 of Highschool Life)

"r-rue krantz ... " he says after a few seconds of silence." "okay, rue, here are the notes that i took," i lend him my notebook. "thanks, but...

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Twisted Minds, Chapter 1

Nero knew the middle-child cared deeply about him and rue, and that he paid close attention to how they were acting or feeling.

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Power Players (Chap5, Book9)

rue grinned. "what's she like?" "aimee? heh, she's smart as a whip. she's really good for rama. he's smart, but she's exceptionally bright. so he tries to act smart for her. it's young love, rue. nothing like what i had growing up.

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Genetic Children-Log 36- The Soldiers Embrace.

Avenue suffren was clear down to rue desaix._ _"heavy french police down saffren overwatch turning onto rue desaix."

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EPILOGUE (End, Act1, Book10, Chapter25)

rue frowned "nicky, there'll be a time to mourn. but we'll understand if you need to..." "no!" she flailed her arms, trying to push rue away. rufus caught nicky's forearms in his large paws and held her still.

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Everyone Everywhere (Chap4, Book8)

A grin tugged at the corner of rue's face. "sorry, teams are locked. you cain't join." kalen grinned but said nothing.

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Highschool Life Chapter 10: Tears Are What Cats Are Weak Against

rue stays behind, looking at me with a worried look. "stay safe, wherever you're going... 'kay?" rue says before walking away. does he know? or is he just the type to worry about someone? either way, that doesn't matter.

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Project Godlike: Promotions

"he-hem, as i was saying juli of clan rue leader of cell 6..." "hey you're our leader, probably a good thing seeing as she has already pushed you so far, then she would really learn the true meaning behind your last name."

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Infiltration (Act2, Book2, Chapter2)

With a deep, guttural snarl, rue said, "my friend doesn't like your language." rue smashed him against another mercenary, flattening both. of the four remaining, he snatched another and pinned the man by his shoulders.

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A were Aware in a Ware (A1, B10, C18)

rue swallowed again. "darlin', that there is albert delioncourt." "okay?" she tilted her head. "you say that like i should know him." "he's yer daddy. no, i ain't foolin'. he's legit yer biological daddy.

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Spray Part 1

Hãra,_ _this letter is coming to you from thistlethyne rue, honorary lord of the seelie court of the woods of new york state. it seems that i and my court are in need of your goods.

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