Need Part VIII - Interwoven

It stood open wide, with a glaring sarina standing in the hall in her nightgown.

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Sands Of Acaran 2 - The Emperor's Arrival

sarina was the only one who did not managed to avoid it, and got her muzzle painted with it. - all that's left is to clean up girls... i'll take care of sarina, while you attend the master.

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To Dream of Darkness III - Ch 41

The homes seemed quite odd to sarina, although the memories she stole from the two samurai that they were impersonating indicated this style of building was very common here.

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Need Part VI - Interwoven

Beside her, he could see sarina no longer looked shocked. she looked _angry_as fredrick smiled. "her loyalty will be assured in the days to come, and may remain.

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Need Part II - Interwoven

sarina frowned. "do you know something that i do not?" "no. i just..." tobias ran his paws over his face. "i'm tired, sarina. i'm tired of all of this. everything here is so exhausting, and i endure it for people who inflict it upon me.

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Chapter 18: A Fight Against Fate

But now, a rather different issue was on his mind, one that he knew neither galen nor sarina would be pleased to learn of.

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A Bathtub Full of Sexiness (Illustrated)

Sighing with a slight gurgle, sarina had stroked over her rapidly melting and sinking body, rippling her form during its last moments in an extreme sort of blissful belly dance, the last of her arms sliding in and out of her belly and bust.

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Reflection Part IX - Interwoven

sarina wouldn't be happy, but she would understand. he had to believe that she would. even if she didn't, that would be alright. some things were more important. juni deserved better.

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Reflection Part I - Interwoven

He could never meet sarina again. never consummate their marriage and sire an heir. if his whole future was at risk, he was going to spend the next few hours giving juni more of a send-off than she could handle.

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Sands Of Acaran 6 - Dangers Of The Wildlife

"tell me, how much you know about the night i spent with sarina lately?" her eyes fixated on the glowing flower as she folded her arms. "it took me a while to dig it... but she told me you found a way to... soften her up.

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Book One of Rabbits Part 5 of 29, SUBSERVIENCE

sarina says. alfonso stands up with determination, painted all over his face to change his ways. "sarina, family, pardon me." he excuses himself to the restroom to clean up. "good on you." kiistavo hollers after him.

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