
At that moment, it seemed that serpentine being was done playing with me and bit me in the throat.

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Tea and a Toll

The spade continued its motion, curling up towards his spine as the serpentine length folded over itself loosely, suspended in midair with the banded scales of the underside awaiting his friend's landing.

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Ensnared by my Coils

"i think i can certainly arrange that," calyx said, a smirk forming on his serpentine snout as an idea formed in his head.

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My Lord, My Slave

Thus, the prince focused on his innate serpentine ability of hypnosis.

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A Tale of Ashen Wings - Chapter 6: The Doom Viper

Akalgan opened his mouth and breathed a vicious jet of fire all over the serpentine body that imprisoned him. for that moment, it sounded as though the doom viper screamed in pain.

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A Lengthy Bit of Lust (Illustrated by Art-Act)

As more scales crept up along his length the serpentine shifts increased in strength they were shifts in form and shifts in place the head of his cock did gain a face the visage was that of the snake, all snout and all jaw as soon as the

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Once out in the open, delta could see his twin malenesses possessed more than their usual vim and vigor: they possessed serpentine shapes of their own!

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Dragon Ouroborus

Thunderfang was forced to taste some of his own load once he pulled the silver dragon away from his twitching cock, the last of the serpentine form needing to go into his mouth and all.

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Area51: The One That Got Away

The river god hugged noah close, sinking, pulling him below the surface, the serpentine tail wrapping tight around his legs. he tried to hold his breath as they sank deeper.

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Misadventures in Dungeoneering

Kaji turned away as a glimmer of blue shone in her eyes, but he didn't expect her serpentine hair to follow him. a pair of snakes loomed before him, their eyes glowing and swirling with all the colors of the rainbow.

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