Star Wars VIII: Shadows of the Past (11)

But this power can only be achieved through the dark side."_ ", you're wrong," luke finally said. "the dark side will never be stronger than the light." snoke gave a low laugh. _"i disagree,"_ he replied.

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Chapter One: The Adoption Agency

._ _ the was what he really needed, he missed her so when he spent those 8 years in the direct heart of hell and now had a dark side suppressed by medication, this helped him forget his scars and started a new experience for him.

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Not the pale skinned and white-eyed umbaran, clothed in the vestments of a dark side worshipper. a loan shark known for making deadbeat borrowers disappear. not the prune-faced dressellian.

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Friday chapter III Assimilation of Reality and a Dream

I think she wants to see how long it takes to reach our dark side, and she has seen your father, he keeps his on the surface, and me, "he held his head down and wrung his paws together "she found my dark side, but she has not seen your dark side."

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Observing A Heavenly Body

The lights of metropolitan areas on the dark side were clearly visible, while on the light side he could see the weather patterns swirl about. the effort put into this model, and the floating effect was astounding.

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Mistolin, Compassionate to the Bereaved, Hear Me

His face was like the dark side of the clouds. his fangs were blooded. dirt clung on his claws. his bruises purpled underneath his mane. his eyes were sad, and bishop-serious.

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Chapter 9 Draft 2

If there's more users of the dark side like amanda running amok, i might as well know about what you and nathan possess, christine." blocking a strike from his baton, she dodged another strike as she used her staff to knock him off his feet.

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Old Grudges

Clearly, these guys have so fallen to the dark side that they're blind to anything resembling compassion and humanity. - look, no matter what happens, i will never forsake my humanity. never! what you and your clan desire is nothing but chaos!


End Game - Chapter 20 - Crest of Deceit

dark side? apocalypse? this is making my head hurt." mimi sat down. hands started to massage her temples. "that feels better." then it dawned on her; she screamed, grabbed the hand and threw her guest over her shoulder into a heap in the corner.

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Shades of Silver: Final Chapter

You've mastered your dark side since we've last fought together.' silver ignored the blade's compliments and continued on his way to the round city. it was two days before he arrived there, his old home.

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Breaking Point: Part One: Joining Chapter One

He then turns to the dark side of the mushroom kingdom for salvation, and eventually becomes a huge asset to the koopa king.


TLoS: The fall of the dragon of legend (Chapter 5)

"you had a nightmare about malefor, i suppose it is the dark side of you that just took the appearance of malefor, since it was created from the well of evil on his mountain." hypter explained.

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