Wine Stains and Cigar Smoke

The fingerless gloved hand offering it was thick and meaty, grey and slightly damp. a deep voice with a very slight southern drawl spoke out. "go on, take it. you look like you had a rough night."

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Final Hope, Chapter 1: Abrupt Discoveries

'it's 20 below zero, and you're standing out here with fingerless gloves and a tatty jacket. might as well go streaking in alaska; it'll be warmer there.' the fox turned around and gasped. standing there, was another anthro-fox.

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Commando Rape

He then yanked the pants off of her, leaving only her boots and fingerless gloves still on her. the soldier then pulled down his pants and grabbed his prick, waking it up to a full erection.

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Untitled story (A Praxley tale)

He leaned against the sidewalk railing, and she even caught sight of a pair of fingerless gloves on his hands, also in black. this was the man in her dream. seeing him had jarred some of her memory.

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Pokémon: Flame of Eternal Love; Chapter 1: The beginning!

He had baggy black trousers, wore a pair of black fingerless gloves and a black baseball cap with a white lip.

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Furries University Chatper 2: Company (V.2)

He was wearing a black t-shirt, and ripped blue jeans, fingerless gloves over his fingers and a chain wrapped around his left paw. adrian's lips parted as he let out a single soft breath.

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Star Hopper Chapter six

She wore almost a dozen bracelets on each arm and some black leather fingerless gloves covered her paws. she was covered by a bunch of different types of clothes like she'd collected them over the years.

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A Bit of Boob Bashing

Without a word, milan put on a pair of long, leather, fingerless gloves, lacing them up with deliberate slowness as briar's eyes roved over her body.

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Ascended Fanboy

Next, he grabbed the fingerless gloves, and placed them on his huge hands. lastly, he picked the huge red boots, and slid his feet inside them.

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Chaotic Feet

Red furred with heavy black boots and a black top with black fingerless gloves, fiona the fox loomed over him, smirking as she stood with her hands at her hips.

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A Scent for Silver

A fingerless-gloved paw pulled back a chair next to silver, and adam took a seat there. "how's it goin'?" the rabbit acknowledged the wolf with a smile. "..hi.."

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The Assassin Chapter 1

He is wearing all black clothing, pants, a short sleeve shirt, leather trench coat, combat boots and fingerless gloves on.

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