Work In Progress

They saw trasmissions from other worlds and this made woulfe want to go see these wonderful places himself. chapter four other worlds one day it happened.

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Prologue: Lost

Everything she knew was back in the other world. her _life_ was back in the other world. this was not how it was meant to be. she was supposed to become a guardian and serve her people.

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DreamLand Part 2

"someone from the other world, he needs to see the shamans immediately." miku responded to the guard. "first off how do you know hes from the other world?" questioned the guard nervously. "i just can, now let us in its getting dark!"

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The Demon King's Revenge - Prologue

Knocking out both the other-worldly warrior and the draconic demon king. ~~~ a few moments later, cyrus found out that the entire throne room has disappeared. the soft fabric was replaced with the stone-cold floor.

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Ragnarok - XXVII

For there are other worlds than this--i have beheld them, old man--and who is to say that they do not pray for a champion?

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Alias' Adventure - Chapter 14

I know what the sept ordered you to do in our world, but this is the other world, i need you to get off me slowly please." kyron slides off me and stands up, taking a step back and looking around at the other people.

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Walking the Elven Path

#63 of commissions a nightwish lyric inspired fantasy tale about a woman wishing to find a hidden path and the new form to exist in that other world...

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Finding the Line Draft 1 CH 43

"i thought it was just something in the other world. you know there should be a name for that place. i can't keep calling it the 'other world'." "most people who can step out of their bodies call it the astral plane."

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Dream me and I

In the other world i'm the inside me, being myself and acting like i am. i'd have fur and i'd run on all fours, and howl and growl against the moon. so during daytime when i'm a human, i try to live and act like such.

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Chapter 2 - Oh Bugger, Where's Me Ruby Slippers?

Though i suppose that he wouldn't be that grateful to see me considering that currently most of the vampires in the other world have orders to kill him on sight as do the werewolves.

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MF-Ep12-The Reluctant Badger-

"h-hello everyone" the five look up at dominique practically giving them a cold stare silently. "...i know i wasn't the best of people to you or that... other world but.." dominique began to break down to their surprise.

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too much time on my hands.txt

worlds i ask it to leave and to please do hurry

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