Trials of the tribe

Trials of the tribe By: Alex the wusky For: Me I walked up the mountain with a smile on my face and peak in sight. The early mourning sun basically radiating from my red fur, my hand hurting slightly from grabbing on to so many semi sharp rocks....

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Rogue's Trial

Rogue's Trial Something is different in the morning as Randel begins to wake up. The first thing he notices, apart from the cold air that has awakened him, is his own nakedness, not that it is so unusual a discovery each morning with him being a...

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Trial by Fire

He had enrolled himself, and not just that, he had applied for the trial of veneration. much of the current student body had never even heard of such a thing.

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The trials of a pirate.

a bell tolls and the citizens scurry about getting to their homes and slaming their doors and windows, the whole affair making lots of noise, but not enough to cover the sound of cannon fire going off. "TO ARMS MY BROTHERS! TO ARMS!" yelled a young...

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Trials and Typing

**Thank you for reading this story. This is a collaboration between Teckworks and myself.** **Rufus, Elgiza and Farnz are trademarked to him. Used with permission.** **Pokémon and such are Gamefreak and Nintendo.** **All other original characters...

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A Trial of Love

A Trial The math class carried out longer than Veemon had anticipated. Now that he no longer had any more of his classes Indy the urge to wait to see him grew. Vince had only time to slip a note at his locker. The message said to meet him at...

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A Trial by Three

"Ow, ow, ow," I complained limping over to the bleachers with the rest of the track team, long bushy black tail trailing lazily behind me. I had pulled a hamstring during the long jump. My first event I'd like to point out! Needless to say my next two...

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Road's Trials

Welcome back, one and all, to MPreg March 2013! Apologies for the delay; back injuries suck! For those who don't know, this a month where I strive to enrich myself through application of writing prowess to male impregnation-focused stories! In the...

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Animal Trials

Animal Trials When Mlafi woke up, he was not in the same place where he had fallen asleep. Instead of his usual bed of leaves and vegetation, the lithe feral lion found himself on a soft mattress surrounded by cold iron bars with a gate in the middle...

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The Trial of Acceptance

Koru sat in stunned silence his mind unable to come to terms with what he had just heard, and after a long silence he finally spoke, "You expect me to believe a fur that abandoned me right after I was born cares about me at all!? I'm sorry but how...

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Trial of the Hammer

**_Hello all! I am back and doing great! hit a couple of bumps over the last while but things are going good for me now. hopefully I can do more writing hopfully improve my drawing enough to start posting here as well. Here, for your viewing pleasure,...

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An unexpected trial

the trial captain had explained that he was looking for a fire-type trainer to assist him in holding the trial, and dennis had eagerly agreed. he watched as a trainer arrived for his trial.

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