Open For Business Ch 2

He had seen the ad online and was fascinated. the pay scale offered was better than any other job in the area and included health benefits and even advertised a 401k. the only catch stood beside him.

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Job Interview

He took the ad in his hands, almost analysing it in an effort of pushing away his nervousness. this only made things worse. the ad was for the filming branch, which meant that probably the job roles were for porn actors and actresses.

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A Tale of Two Cubs

#2 of birthday stories a (late) birthday story for kraken d'ad (previously kraken d'waggin) of the first time d'waggin and d'orca using their mutable cocks on each other.

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Dreams Do Come True (Preview Version)

Was that what the ad had meant by 'natural ingredients'? the ad had promised almost immediate results, and so david sat in anticipation of what they would grant. five minutes passed, then ten, twenty. nothing. oh well.

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Curious Heat

At first she scoffed at the ad, about to pass it off as merely a joke, a false ad put in by some fur with a few bucks that wanted a good laugh.

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Crossing the Rubicon

As long as the ad is up, i'm looking."_ tyson checked through the spelling and grammar, making sure it looked correct before moving on to the pictures section.

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Far Too Deep in the Rabbit Hole

"i'm here about the ad," he added, fidgeting on his feet, hoping he wouldn't need to explain further.

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After School Playdate

He looked up to d'ad once more, the big orcagon meeting his eyes with a sly smirk before returning to his tablet and pizza.

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Stripes, Chapter 1: New In Town

The ad had been up for a week. someone must've responded by now... but wait, it had just been renewed that day. and between the location and the low-key nature of the ad, i was unlikely to ever find a better chance to meet some new people.


Unwilling Choices

"well, i saw your ad in the student lounge and it said you're looking for a roommate." she informed. "yeah, i posted the ad yesterday morning and i wasn't expecting a response.

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Unwilling Choices by Deltroon1986

"well, i saw your ad in the student lounge and it said you're looking for a roommate." she informed. "yeah, i posted the ad yesterday morning and i wasn't expecting a response.

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The Personals

This is a one night only kind of deal and the ad will go down at ten o'clock tonight. e-mail me if you're interested._ he spent his time tidying up the house and checking his e-mail every few minutes.

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