Every Last Inch

"Now then, Mr. Chaud. If you'd follow me up these stairs, I'll show you to the main workout floor." The fit, toned fox said as he gave the newest gym member the tour of the facilities. The way the fox's gym-branded t-shirt stretched across his...

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Alpha Omega

Braden had heard stories about the crazy hazings that went down on campus, but he had always assumed they were just overly hyped up for the sake of scaring off the new recruits. Some of the things people claimed to have seen didn't even seem physically...

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Patreon Monthly (February): Lake Wanahakalugi

Arthur sputtered and spat and swatted the tree branch away from his face. The whole delving through dense tropical forest schtick would have been so much cooler if someone hadn't run off with the machete leaving him alone to shove his way through the...

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Patreon Monthly (January) Skeeter's Cleaners

Davis knelt down beside a nearby car and used his reflection in the side mirror to adjust his tie and brush his wavy, brown hair away from his face. He was nervous as hell, and it showed. The rabbit's hands were trembling so bad he could barely even...

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Ladder of the Heavens

Sid stood in line with all the other acolytes and fidgeted nervously. This was it. He had come of age and all that was left was to officially ascend to adulthood. He just wished he could shake the overwhelming sense of dread that had plagued his mind...

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Patreon Monthly (september): The Little Spoon

Caleb and Felipe sat across from each other at the candlelit dinner table. It was hard to imagine two dudes that were more different, but somehow they had managed to stay together for five blissful years. At 6'3 Caleb stood in stark contrast to his...

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Above Average Part 19

After what could best be described as a quick but cordial goodbye, Kyle tucked the box under his arm and set out from Alan and Steve's shared dorm room. He was amazed at how easy it had been to talk Steve into letting him take the box and the relic...

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Gooed Friends 3: The City of Townsville is Under a Gak!

Gak sloshed around anxiously in his basin. The promise of another outing had him positively giddy with excitement. To make matters worse Jackson was out cold leaving Gak with no one to keep him company. Gak didn't really need sleep - not in the way...

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Patreon Monthly (October): Gooed Friends 2: Hellaween

[Part One](https://www.sofurry.com/view/734551) || Next Chapter * * * A young blonde crept silently through the darkened hallways of the high school. Everything was so quiet that it seemed as if fear itself was trying to fill the void with ominous...

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Above Average Part 20

Kyle made pretty good time on his way back to his apartment. He could have made even better time if he had really wanted to, but as much as he wanted to get back to the his apartment and the hulking stud waiting therein, Kyle also loved the looks he...

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Patreon Monthly (December): Isaac

Isaac ran up to the front door of his friend's house and was just about to barge right in when he noticed the white SUV parked out front. That meant that Corey's mother was home from work already. Isaac cringed and then reached for the doorbell. As...

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Above Average Part 18

Alan had been wandering the campus for hours. He didn't have anywhere in particular he wanted to be. All he knew is that he didn't feel like going back to the dorm. His date with John had gone well enough, but it had all felt anti-climactic which was a...

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