Rock the M.U.C.

He closed his eyes and took a few moments to let the cement soften, then took a generous amount of shampoo and worked himself into a giant ball of foam, fur and cement globs.

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The new dinosaur (part1)

They also appear to be smarter as they have tried to escape the cage, so i put cement for the walls as tall as they are... stopped them pretty quick. i have started to modify two ostrich eggs and make two **_dinosaurs_** out of that.

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Ah Kids, They're Greeeeeat!

He smiles at the pair of cubs lying bound and gagged on the hard cement floor. with a cold chuckle he slips a padlock onto the inside of the door so there can be no interruptions.

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Breaking the Barrier: Chapter 8

I stand up and move to behind one of the cement shields, my heart beginning to beat faster as the countdown nears the ten second mark. ignition starts the verbal countdown at ten seconds, but by five all of us are counting down out loud.

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life with a dragon Intimacy

The cots have been removed, and the cement floor has been dug out in the center of the room. in the hole in the floor, sarven placed the mattress from the bed he purchased earlier.

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Yoru's Story: Prologue

Her cell door was not caged but padlocked cement door with no window or anything, just a vent for fresh air to get in and old air to leave.

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Portals - Chapter 1

The sauce-drenched plastic was soon empty of any real food, and he let it drop to the cement. rummaging in the plastic recycling bins, he found an almost empty bottle of water. awesome.

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After the Bombs

When she came to, she felt blood dripping down her nose and a fine sheen of dust coating her she ascended the cracked cement stairs, she came out of the cellar air.

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Armageddon: Prologue Rewrite (Teaser)

Silence ensued, with the exception of the falling rain drops and their continued assault on the decaying cement at his feet.

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Mesozoic Park 2 (Part 8)

By now it was crumbled, the cement, metal and wood was crushed, twisted and broken from the flood, leaving some buildings more recognizable than others, and some nothing but cement chunks that have become man made rocks.

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Squirrel Eggs - [Preview]

The use of dyed cement to create geometric patterns with precision was as striking as the last time he saw it. the multitude of angles came together to form a strangely soft feeling space, with occasional colored skylights.

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Revenge is a Dish Best Served Subdermally

Maloo grinned and nodded, watching as the tigress rolled onto her backside and thrust into the air, splattering the cement on either side of her in thick drops of pre-cum.

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