Change of Perspective Page 39

#42 of change of perspective art is done by croft story by me. i might be adding more story details/fixing anything i see as i post. the story can always be improved. and as always please comment, i love comments! thank you for reading.

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Change of Perspective Page 31

#34 of change of perspective art is done by croft story by me. i might be adding more story details/fixing anything i see as i post. the story can always be improved. and as always please comment, i love comments! thank you for reading.

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Change of Perspective Page 25

#28 of change of perspective art is done by croft story by me. i might be adding more story details/fixing anything i see as i post. the story can always be improved. and as always please comment, i love comments! thank you for reading.

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Secrets of the Emperor's Tomb

Lara croft groaned slightly as the two rough clay cocks rubbed against each other inside her, separated only by a thin and increasingly sore layer of tissue.

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The Dragonslayer's Quest

And then baron thadell, the local lord, was swiped from his saddle, pinwheeling thrice before plowing into what remained of the swinson's croft, his armor shredded to ruin and the flesh beneath worse.

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The Twleve Talismans - Chapter 8 - The Rat Talisman - Motion to the Motionless

Lara croft from tomb raider, ivy from soul caliber! i mean, seriously, as long as i have a figure, i can have it._ gomamon stroked the vulpix some more.

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An Ultimate Nexus Experience (10/14)

Cover art by croft if you like what i do here please consider supporting me on the patreon! we could definitely use a lot of help when it comes to funding things like book covers, comics, and game graphics!

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An Ultimate Nexus Experience (7/14)

Cover art by croft if you like what i do here please consider supporting me on the patreon! we could definitely use a lot of help when it comes to funding things like book covers, comics, and game graphics!

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An Ultimate Nexus Experience (3/14)

Cover art by croft if you like what i do here please consider supporting me on the patreon! we could definitely use a lot of help when it comes to funding things like book covers, comics, and game graphics!

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An Ultimate Nexus Experience (2/14)

(warning: arachnophobia trigger) cover art by croft if you like what i do here please consider supporting me on the patreon! we could definitely use a lot of help when it comes to funding things like book covers, comics, and game graphics!

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Change of Perspective: Andromeda Page 3

#45 of change of perspective a continuation of my change of perspective series, and a commission based on it for zucca been sitting on this commission for a while and its a unique one as i wrote the story below, and the art is done by the amazing croft it

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Change of Perspective Page 38

#41 of change of perspective art is done by croft story by me. i might be adding more story details/fixing anything i see as i post. the story can always be improved. and as always please comment, i love comments! thank you for reading.

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