Emperor's Shadow: Chapter 26

Carpets were spread throughout the maze of stone, bright colors of all different sorts, reminding him of tales of the castle of entis. tapestries flowed down from the walls, depictions of regal dragons taking their rightful place over seas of mortals.

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Scales and Honor: The Shattered God: Chapter 30

"perhaps we could get tehya to return us to your home in entis?" but the mage sat resolute, staring as if through the parchment. "no, you heard achaaz." she shifted to tenzin; determination in her words. "she thinks the sea lilly is her mother.

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City of Light Chapter 16: Departure

"entis...good riddance!" lyndis shouted out, mirroring the dragons own thoughts on the matter. she followed up with a string of curses in elven than made a smile come to his snout.

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The Dragon's Paladin Chapter 12: Crashing Hopes

Arcturus' mind went from one meal to another until he thought to a steak he had months ago back in entis, and his mouth watered as he remembered the succulent flavors that washed over his tongue.

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Emerald Secrets: Chapter 5: Temple Problems

Surely if you headed away from entis, you could avoid getting caught by an unpleasant company of dragon hunters. furthermore, if you are better than us, why go through the trouble of puffing out your chest?

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Gilded Cage: Chapter 21

Hekate happily chirped sliding her wings around her boys and holding them close to her feathery chest, "i remember watching my first game with the feathered flyers in entis! no one could beat the fellas in blue!" "feathered flyers?"

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Emperor's Shadow: Chapter 27+28

Instead, they were left with pristine, carpeted hallways, reminiscent of entis' castle. gone were the blood stains, the bodies of the drenedarians that came before.

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Darkened Skies: Chapter 28: Golden Wraiths

Thought you'd learned that bit of finesse when it came to entis?" the dragon simply gave her a sharpened eye and a snort. "yea that's right. those blighters don't want to kill cordy. that _thing_said that they wanted him alive.

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The Dragon's Paladin- Chapter 16: Treasure of the Aegis

She was one of my remaining friends in entis. you should actually meet her, now that i think about it." "and just why should i grant this gnome my esteemed presence?" veledar replied, letting go and starting to circle him closely.

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City of Light Chapter 23: Dragon Hunter

"i suppose it might be because your so mundane in entis." arcturus shrugged, "people see your kind all the time there. while kings, dragons, and knights are more rare." "are you calling me common?"

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City of Light Chapter 22: Feathers and Friends

Although he figured it was most likely due to everything that was going on in entis that pulled their thoughts away from that little thing. "we..were busy." "indeed."

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