Popobawa... loosely based on actual events...

Many of those on the islands believe in exorcisms, and place charms at the base of fig trees or sacrifice goats. jerome finish typing the last sentence of his report on the popobawa, for the tabloid the weekly world weirdness.

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A Visit from Old Nick's Alleged Acquaintance

I made puff pastry wrapped about the leftover meat, tiny quiches with the veggies, and when all else failed goat cheese and figs were classic winter ingredients that were always a hit pairing.

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Beast of Burden Ch. 01

One such as yourself could trade a fig for a bag of rice and the rice for a bracelet until you've secured a fleet - all with a humble fig as your seed." "bah," omid said, sipping at his coffee to hide his smile.

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Wild Goats

I rested for a few minutes, chewed some figs and took a drink of water, before i pressed onwards. most of my journey from here was uphill. the forest trail was indistinct now.

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Godson chapter 3

Sitting at the foot of the bed the leather book perched on top of the fig bowl they had arrived with, what was with that anyway? he decided now was as good a time to use it as any.

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Companions Chapter 14: The Reception

Destiny obviously doesn't give a flying f... fig about you, so screw her! you're smart and sexy - you'll have a new companion someday. just... please be careful." "i know," he sighed, recomposing himself.

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Just a Splash - Vancouver Fur #8

Erik gave the salesfur an apologetic "raccoons, go fig" look as colin extricated himself from the other tub with a grin. "we'll take it." "excellent!" the otter rubbed his paws together happily. "let's go do some paperwork, hmm?

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A Life in Chains: Chapter Eleven

The roads were worn sand, streets were narrow and winding, following the natural grain of the land with huge ashen fig trees providing shade here and there.

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The Fox General: Menagerie of the Shah

Inside the building was a veritable paradise, a narrow canal darted through the stone floors, irrigating the numerous boxes of soil that contained a jungle of ferns, palm trees, and even a few fruit trees such as oranges and figs.

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Parson Ch 4

Alex blinked, looking down at the chair, "uhh, sure... it might be a bit snug, but i'm sure we can...fig...uh...what are you doing?"

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Ander - Chapter 6, Subchapter 6

_" "nobody gives a flying fig about your father's stupid potato field! and why do you suddenly care so much, anyway!? everybody knows you hate the wolves more than anybody!" jackass straightened up with a groan and held up a finger.

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Of The Umoyo Family

Trees of oak, of maple, fig, cherry, and many more surrounded their home in pleasant shade and color, as soft green grass grew amongst the treeline.

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