Blitz Gets It...

Hunter had shown the rotty a good trick whenever he needed to get loose when they weren't around, the golden retriever trusting his best friend not to get out unnecessarily and cause a ruckus for the others and today would find the rottweiler using that trick

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Getting Wet

Speaking of which, how are we gonna get this big heavy truck out of here?" oren stated focusing strictly on the task at hand.

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Getting Drunk

He was sore for days and didn't even get to remember anything besides waking up to the horse's girlfriend yelling at them to get out.

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Getting Knotty

#1 of excerpts from michaela's midnight letters getting knotty dear michaela, there was this one time... i was out clubbing with my girlfriends. dancing, drinking, flirting with all the boys and snagging as many digits as possible.

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Getting Closer

It wasn't far of a walk to get to brandon's apartment, and after finishing up a discussion they started to get ready for their little romp in the bed. much to alex's surprise, brandon insisted on giving him an enema.

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Getting the Girl

Slowly getting faster and faster. she spread her legs as far as her pants would allow her to go.

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Getting Relief

I tried struggling to get out of the vice grip of his vines, but to no avail; until he decided to let me go, i was trapped.

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Getting Peppers

getting peppers by theonehowl "shira, i don't care what you do about the mortgage for this month. did you forget who pays the bills?" the voice over the cellphone sounded heavy and deep with resounding spite. "six pack. get it."

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It Gets Bigger

_ --- "it's not complicated," the brawny black panther told the nervous ferret before him, "you lick it for awhile and it gets bigger." "it gets... bigger?"

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Get Ready!

Just gimme a few minutes to get ready," he said as he hopped off the bed. i cocked my head. "...wait, get ready?" i inquired. that was strange.

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Getting the Joke

"or, we can get down to business. and i think i know which one you want hmm?" she bares her fangs happily over me.

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Will the Otter Get It?

"get to the..uh...doggy position...on the bed..." i rumbled.

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