
He would be a dried-up husk, nothing but that. he looks behind, leaving holes in the ground. long tunnels of his anguish, filled with blood and tears. shedding layers and layers of memories, the past.

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A Taste of Death

He would reveal in the moment for a bit longer before pulling away from the new undead husk, yanking her to her feet before giving her a small glance over. "now let us complete your corruption for all of time."

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Wayward Scale, Chapter 3, Descended From Beastmasters

The scales and the weasel bolted along the road to get away from the husk. after while of running, james looked back and stopped. " i think we lost it." " thank gods, i'm to fat for this!"

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Steamy Desire

He husked and pleaded in surprise, stilling his own hips as he cherished the glow of the stars and moonlight as she fucked herself on his prick. it was a sight he was never going to forget. erotically stunning.

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Gifts and Dangers (Commission for F3L4N)

In five minutes she was tall as the largest building in the city, an old husk of a steel skyscraper some twenty stories tall.

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The Song I Used to Sing

husk comes to you, frowning. "er, been told not to uh, send any good times your way, anon." ah, right. they think this - your predicament - was because of alcohol. "well. . ." husk chuckles. "look, just take it easy, all right?

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Why Me?

As i stared at the husk of a once vibrant town, i couldn't stop my mind from trailing, exploring the events that unfolded over the past week; i'd been nearly killed more times than i cared to remember, broken two ribs, watched my friends get killed, i fell

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All love is is people looking for others to save them for from the desperation of their own loneliness. people need "love" without it..we are filled with dread and darkness...going from day to day as a husk..feeling useless in the universe. watching others

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A Mentally Handicapped Chorus Line Killed By An Apocalyptic Hailstorm

Before this husk of a body loses every memory and comes to a halt, left only to... sway with the breeze. looking up into the sky not knowing what, when where, who, or how can i?

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The Morning After

His husk morning voice asked her. she blushed a dark red; "the most beautiful thing in my world, that's what." he laughed a bit and pulled her close to him. he had been the only thing she had ever had to herself.

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My Poems

The wind did whisper as if to say, "dear sweet husk, isn't it a beautiful day?" **nothing last forever** ashes to ashes, dust to dust. men die, an metal rust. nothing last forever, so it seems. nothing is perfect, except what's in our dreams.

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