Year of Chaos Chapter Three

James crawls up onto the bed and lies down on his belly. He looks over his shoulder with a soft grin. "So do you still want to give me that hard cock or you just going to stand there and stare at my ass?" James asks as he looks at Mark standing...

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KoB - Kiss of Blood - Chapter 2

He even compliments me whenever i'm naked. he says i look like i worked out, or says i have a cute butt. i'm very sensitive about my butt and no it's not cute. it's plump and weird. guys shouldn't have butts, what the hell.

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Truth or Dare 10: Heart of Darkness

Before her mind could drift to far katlin realized she was stark naked. tail coming around and up instinctively trying to cover her body katlin spun around to glare at deamos but her own words caught when she saw that deamos was equally nude.

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Divided Unity (Edition 2, Chapter 2)

He was naked like me and his muscles bulged, i stared up into his eyes. "how are you?" i asked smiling. our fingers entwined as did our tails, "i'm fine. what about you, sweet?" levi asked politely.

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Year of Chaos Chapter 1

He shakes his head a little, as he notices that he also still naked. which makes him wonder if he did this cause he was hoping for a little fun. or maybe it was just because he went to bed naked.

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Leo's Life - Chapter 4

With him being in acting he was confident being on stage or in front of a camera and was even 'naked' once. it was when he was removed from those environments he felt more vulnerable and judged.

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Unnamed Mousie - Ch 2: Humiliated

Apart from a short greeting they paid little attention to my captor, but their eyes were glued to my naked body, i could almost feel their eyes boring into my skin until they were finally out of sight.

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Kaitreena Gjeorjhe

naked and shackled playthings scurried away from the slobbery slavers still belching and farting, adding pungency to the closed-in air of the room.

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The Captain

He stands over, leaning by the pillar. His body, bathing within the moonlight. Flesh exposed, though not in a devious gesture. He looks over. His lover still resting under satin sheets. He walks over, his green skin highlighted by candle light. He sits...

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Lawful and Indecent: Epilogue

"nudity can be so peaceful." silence, for several minutes. light as a ghost, he climbed inside the van to the passenger's seat, judy firing the ignition. the wheels turned on the rocks underneath, like each one was a new leaf.

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2 Worlds - Hot afternoon

"ok drax but why was you naked?" "o was naked becose i tere my clouts off when i started to transform." she just started to laught and hopping that he didn't sow blood comming form her nose. but she was wrong he sow it realy good.

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Sarah and Josh (2 *part one*)

I walked in after a long day of work and sighed, glad to be home. Home.. I looked around the freshly-unpacked apartment living room and couldn't help but smile to myself. Josh and I just recently moved here and last night we finished unpacking the last...

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