Rise of the Penny

The fox thrust the petition into the air.

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Le Goût de la Liberté

petit à petit, je pus percevoir des bribes des éléments qui m'entouraient. pourtant, tout me paraissait si lointain. quelques longues minutes plus tard, mon esprit se dégageait progressivement.

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Amour ou Amitiée ?

Corey elle ne cesse de pousser de petit gémissement de plaisir tout en fermant les yeux et en écrasant son coussin entre ses bras.

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Phoenix Coven - Chapter 53

All those petitions ended up being denied and crushed, and cailus eventually leveraged the school further to get them to stay out of his affairs by threatening to have knighthood academy's funding cut and the school blacklisted in the education system, both

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Temps de chien !

J'ã©tais captivã©e par l'histoire lorsque je senti une multitudes de petites dã©mangeaisons sur tout mon corps.

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profile for Angel

Pacaderms with luminara the nation of wolves, this is when he met prince scar heir to the luminarun throne, he brought him back to avianum with him to meet his family, this is when scar was introduced to angel, he fell in love with her at first sight so he petitioned


Paul dans le métro

Il reconnut le même être qui l'avait abordé hors du wagon de métro; son visage était normal, mais il pouvait voir de petites rigoles se former, un indice de ce qui cachait véritablement derrière. « à la prochaine...

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My Beautiful Daughter

My daughter's beauty had made me impatient, the sleek flow of her muscles and the seductive motions of her petit haunches as she would prance across the meadow.

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Invasion : alternative part 1

Cependant, petit à petit, chez les equinhaurs naissait le sentiment d'avoir été lésé et trompé par les humains, l'opinion publique changea et leur peuple eut faim de révolte.

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More Rest

"now what should we do if they are exiled and later petition to be allowed back in?" i thought a few moments, {i guess the proper thing to do would be to hear out the petition.

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la peintre

Je finis rapidement les restes de mon petit déjeuner et accourus vers lui.


Miss Clara's Odd Profession

It's 3:00 AM, Lin found out as he rolled over and glared at the bright red numbers of his alarm clock. 3:00 AM and still he could hear his neighbor's music blaring through the paper-thin walls. For the third time this week since they moved in, his...

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