So Young, So Dear

A sorta-personal thing... about my dearest childhood friend. she's the best friend i ever had, and she's not that person anymore. she just doesn't know it.

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QCP: NS-03 Graduate Level Mission

"and i did sorta have help fighting her so, it was really two on one there." he grinned. "so if i give up my extra point for doing mavericky what i should be penalized for, can you just sorta...even it out?" apex grinned.

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One Hell of a Night - Chapter 6

"what sorta 'favour'?" "she said that if i wanted to finish what i started, i could help you with your problem. put you in a choke hold again until you're done. that sorta favour." she didn't reply for a while, just looked at me with a tilted head.

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LitleDragon's Request (2020 NSFW, involves DEATH.)

Please do check him out if you are into this sorta thing!: [litledragon's twitter page.](

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"you're sorta free ... you can be what you want, now. do what you want. as a member of this crew. you should be happy." the bee didn't reply immediately. should. "yes. things are much laxer here.

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Oh, just my Luck…

And you see, that was part of the problem, but it always worked out in the end, sorta. that was what he hated about his life; it always sorta worked, almost worked out, in the end. he was just a kid when it happened.

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Growvember Epilogue

I sorta stumbled onto this place during one of my experiments. it was interesting at first, finding all these different books. "what b-" "these books."

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FCW History - Ep. 1 - The Invincible Mitsozuka

He used the bottom rope as a springboard and brought all of his weight down on top of the former champ, just sorta laid back onto him!"

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Enjoy life while it lasts. The tale of Luki and Rabel. Part 1. Rabel's time.

The lucario seemed sorta in a transe as he moaned in pleasure. the mewtwo groaned a little himself as he forced his body to work and bend to his will and desires.

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Exodus "..Sly"

Saying nothing your pretty sure it was some sorta communication talking place. it was more like a whisper only it sounded deflated, "very well!" while loosen the grip around her vestry.

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Roommates 13: Change is...

This gave me a bit of a pause, and i just sorta... had to think. i've changed... seriously changed. or i just got used to being oogled. hell, maybe croy's right. i am some sort of attractive... and... they did sorta... linger.

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About furries unexpecting company with the random five paw slap i say i like my change hello all names shadow im 18 and i live in canada manitoba now before i got into the fandom i found tails at a local store. and thats how i found out what a furry was sorta

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