Terveta-Chapter 1: Warning (Part 2)

He landed in a flurry of snow with a yelp and scrambled to his feet unharmed with his wolven tail held securely between his legs. they all watched him sprint to the door and press his unsteady finger across a keypad imbedded into the wall.

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Terveta-Chapter 3: Payment (Part 2)

"because when my mate finds that i have returned much earlier then expected, unharmed, with stories and enough gold to hold us all over for a very long time, it will more then likely orchestrate such an idea."

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Into the Depths Part 3

"nope," i said as he planted his hands on the ground and flew up to a standing position again appearing unharmed. "no kalae," he said. "he sounds like you too," kalae remarked and came down the stairs a few steps. "do you want to face him next?"

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Small descriptive story (creative writing college work)

After checking for any wounds and seeing he was completely unharmed he got up and began to drink the water flowing in the calm and placid stream, he hears rustling in the bushes behind him and as he turned he saw a rather tatty shinx looking at him with its

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How I Found it All: Part II

I have begun to experiment with living creatures, some with success, coming out the other side completely unharmed, and some coming out... well, let's just say they end up lacking a few vital pieces. now, i have..."

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The Fire Burns

She was coughing, wheezing, and her hair and nightgown were stained with char and soot, but she was otherwise unharmed. all she could do was stand there and watch in horror as her home and place of business burned down in flames...


Character Profile: Shadow Tabby

However, in her elden self, she practically the polar opposite to her, acting rather unharming, and nice. these traits aside, she often takes and reflects what she pick up from others.history:shadow tabby was originally conceived by panic!


Charlotte and Riok's perfect night (W.I.P)

He has a red scar over his right eye, but the eye itself is unharmed. his eyes, a cool cyan, aren't piercing but they are striking and do hold clues to his character.

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The rat stood unharmed, gripping the very top of the mast with one hand, another reaching out and over it to hold up the object. shore crawled closer, taking a lifetime to the captain to approach. whatever the customer had done, it had worked.

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ch.01 The cost of war

He pauses and looks out the tent flap "none but my strongest archangels and canniest archers remain unharmed." the feline narrows his eyes, "what do you need" atrius looks to the sky.

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Nashita Natumie 3

She looked unharmed and eric breathed a sigh of relief as he looked into her eyes, happy that he was reunited with his mate, but at the same time saddened that they had caught her.

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Identity: Chapter Forty-Two

But the memory of the kid's pleading prior to his death - after garrett had initially promised he'd be released unharmed if he talked - that, ned could not forget.

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