Day 7 - Song

By the time the first song was over, you felt weightless. if your feet weren't touching the floor of the concert hall, you'd probably be floating toward the ceiling like a balloon. her second song was so much more.

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Cyber Born Chapter 2 "Variety"

An anti gravity field, it doesn't affect me or anyone around it, but it does affect projectiles basically making them weightless.

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weightless, floating through lights and sound. ocular spectacular. life blurs to a single instant. that instant is eternity. deorbit. there are puddles of soy sauce all over the floor. hardening sriracha on overturned tables.

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Principium et Finis

The painful transition to sudden weightlessness makes me want to scream. despite the urge i refuse to scream. i refuse to howl or even pout. i smile, knowing my master is somewhere, looking for me.

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Achilalabopa -- A Lonely Creator

All she could do was float in the weightlessness of nothing, and endure. the stretching and swelling filled her as if her abdomen swallowed too much air, but the bubble pushed against her like a rock filled of pain.

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Jackal; A Twitfic

A deliberate display of that weightless mobility that you can't help but be impressed by. you want to apologize for staring at them, to run away before they can close the distance, but you can't.

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Ruubenev himself was dancing on the meadow, so lightly his paws would land against the grass and effortlessly he would rise into the air, suspended in a delirium of his own, floating weightlessly for moments until his whim guided him to the ground again.

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Cave Story - Chapter 9 - Weakness

He felt weightless, as if he was about to fall, and did nothing to stop it. "ace?!" sue's shocked tone shattered ace's reality. he opened his eyes to find himself lying on the floor, his head throbbing painfully.

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Kaynine: New Mexico

A split second of weightlessness preceded the shock of his deployment chute opening, the chute just large enough to arrest the terminal fall of the heavy trooper before snapping free and leaving him to drop the remaining fifteen feet to the ground with a heavy

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An Eventful Day

With a reckless leap, he revelled in the weightless sensation of falling down the side of the chasm that served as his front door. at the last second, chazore spread his wing and, in two powerful strokes, began his daily flight to school.

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Red Twilight: the Avatar Awakend Chapter 3

Meyu steps off the ledge becoming as buoyant in the air as she would in water floating weightlessly in the air.

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To the Stars

The sensation of flying weightlessly through the air, naked with a hard-on, got no less weird.

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