My first gay writing :)

It was warm in his paw like fire, and he flexed it to the point that it rose from his lower stomach and quivered in the air for a minute until his muscles weakened and it fell back against his fur with a stick whump.

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Orphan Week

Kauren tossed the little orc girl onto the bed, who giggled as she landed on the matress with a "whump" and stared at her caretaker eagerly. "what're we doin' now miss kauren?"

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Guest Room

Squeak, creak, whump, flump. the sooner he found something, the sooner he could head back upstairs. distracted, he walked into one of the guest bedrooms. thar realised a moment too late, but nall the pine marten was already awake.

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Burned on the Fourth of July

There it was, right by the - there was a dull whump, and monty spun back to face his friend, concern writ large on his face, to find the last remains of a fireball, and hector flinging himself back from the device to end recumbent on the lawn.

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Competitive Spirits

Were forced open as roger emerged, no bigger than her palm, his head lost in the endless expanse of his own muscles, his body's ability to grow when strained had worked overtime to keep him safe and now he sat, eyes groggy as he creaked backwards with a whump

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Dark Soles

Ceno, meanwhile, worked diligently between kodi's toes; licking and dragging his tongue into the pits between heavy whumps.

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All's Well That Ends Swelled (4)

"fair enough--" whump. t'lak jolted back awake as his girlfriend's fist thudded into his nutsac, neatly crushing his emptied orbs between her knuckles and the picnic blanket below. "fuck," he gasped, bending double slightly.

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Luke and Theo Chapter 1 Tied and Tested

whump! right buttock "mmmmmmmmmmmmph" smack! whump! whack! dead centre from that point ever spank was a blur, each one bringing about sudden volume to his sobbing, he furiously kicked hoping to hit anything just to make the pain stop!

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Float Like a Fighter, Sting Like a Tank

Marker nearly flew off hir body entirely and landed with a whump back on top of hir erection. he clasped his knees quickly around the sides and gasped, laughing. "eight seconds!"

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. \*\*\*\* whump, whump, whump\*\*\*\* the sounds of a fist banging against the door woke me up. i looked over at the clock, "one fucking thirty in the am?" i could feel myself getting angry.

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A yiffy hauting

whump whump whump! "down down down!" stevie screamed and they stormed down the stairs while they heard the steps coming closer and closer. dust falling from the ceiling as the "thing" followed them.

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The King's Pet

Nixx whumped his rump to the ground, sitting up but still panting. david walked over to the big dragon and gave him a pat on the back. "you did your best. now... want to grab a little treat? i promised, after all..." nixx's ears perked up.

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