Save a Life and You Will Save the World

The painful memories that Deborah Sevigne had thrust upon her- brought on every time she heard the ambulance siren- would often come flooding back in a torrent of sad memories. For this she-wolf, the sound of the ambulance siren brought her back to...

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A Warm Fire in a Blizzard - Chapter IV

A Warm Fire in a Blizzard © Kenneth Beltan 14 The daylight didn't really penetrate the clouds, but the two Ferals woke up by habit anyway. Last night's shower was for the most part a calm affair. They had hard erections through most of...

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A Warm Fire in a Blizzard - Chapter II

A Warm Fire in a Blizzard © Kenneth Beltan 6 Jeremiah woke up his usual time. He was a bit surprised, given how tired he was the previous night. His attention to that was quickly diverted to his penis, which was straining hard as...

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Just Friends

Jumping off the straw mat bed, I ran to the hole I used as a sink, feeling sick. I always did after having a dream like the one I just did. Not because it was disgusting or gross, but because it was full of things I wanted with every fiber of my being,...

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Going Ape

Hello all! Its Sid here with another story brought to you by Grifterwolf!!!! Both of these characters are mine. The sun was setting as Allen made his way east down Riverside Parkway, he did the same routine on an almost daily basis, and if he had to,...

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## Independence By Brathor [![Creative Commons License](]( This story is intended for an adult audience. If you are under 18, please don't read...

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Adventures in Bad Decisionmaking

I had never felt more out of place in my life than when I first set foot into that bar. It was the sort of place that cowboys and lumberjacks went to unwind after a long day of shoeing horses and clearcutting forests. The sort of place where burly...

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Guardian's Secret

**Guardian's Secret** Cyril thought to himself how strange it was that, as an ice dragon, he would adopt a flame dragon as his son. Having lost his own son many, many years ago, it came as a bit of a world turner to be looking over another. Granted,...

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Ein Wolf in der Falz - A Wolf in the Fold

Chapter Four of a Furry Speculative Fiction Novel that takes place in a hypothetical universe where Germany won World War One. The continued Belgrade insurgency has pushed Konard and William farther and farther apart ... _**Ein Wolf in der Falz ...

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Gold Fever chapter 3

**=3=** "Becka, Grab the boulder kit, the green canvas satchel behind the passenger seat." Greg said pulling the six foot pry-bar from it's holder along the roof rack, a rock hammer, 'D' handle shovel and Pick Axe. " Uh, _ **Boulder Kit?** _" Becka...

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The Shopkeeper's Hospitality

_This story's pretty much the polar opposite of the last one; we go from massive mostly-female hardcore orgy to one-on-one cute gay cuddle-fucking. With some M/F tacked on for good measure. As always, massive envy directed at the narrator. \*GLARE!\* ...

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Good Morning - Now And Then #2

Ooh, the plot thickens! Kinda. =^.- Welcome to Chapter Two of "Memory Remains- Now and Then." I know, quick submission, but when you're on a roll, you're on a roll! If this is your first time reading this series, be sure to read the intro...

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