Minotaur Milk

(F tf Minotaur, F tf ferret hybrid) Ariadne is a hard woman to read. When she was little she was very bull-headed and often clashed with what other kids liked. Where others attempted to mimic those they liked and play along for the sake of...

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Chapter 7 - A New Ability

Rarely Amanda fought small apartment buildings. Usually, when she did, there were four other Indagators. "Tell me, Amanda! How does it feel now to be the weak one?!" The colossal lion-morph roared. "GO FUCK YOURSELF!" She shot back. Angered, the...

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A very tauric transformation

This is the second TF story I've ever written! It was crafted with the help of a friend, and I hope you enjoy it. Feedback is greatly appreciated!(Apologies if formatting is weird at the moment, I wrote this on my phone. I'll edit it to be more...

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Royal Jelly (Preg, BE, Hypnosis)

"Royal Jelly?" Bianca read aloud, turning the small jar back and forth so that the sun backlit the light amber honey. "I don't think I've heard of that before." Mr. Tamesis grinned and leaned against the counter, his arms crossed. "You don't find...

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Belial: Diary of Transformation

Belial: Diary of Transformation By Von Krieger Day 0 Nothing much to write about tonight, Diary; I've just come back to school after spring break, and classes don't start until tomorrow. The break could stand to be a little longer, but to...

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Shattered Shards: Tempest's Texts

Shattered Shards: Tempest's Texts By Von Krieger Tempest hummed happily to herself as she walked in the door, a bag filled with books upon one arm. One of her friends ran a used bookstore and always made sure to pluck certain volumes from the...

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Shattered Shards: Perilous Plunder

Shattered Shards: Perilous Plunder By Von Krieger Lights coming on, alarms blaring, the sounds of heavy boots upon the concrete as security officials rushed to the scene of the crime. It all mattered little to Aden, who slowly and quietly made...

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Ancestral Duty (Repaired)

Edit: Holy SHIT, folks, am I sorry! Apparently, there was some sort of mix-up! This time, the story is...

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Mother Deer

_Hi there, back with another short story that was inspired by a Jap artist called Mellonleaf which I'll post the links to his two images at the end!_ A deer stood guard, her ears perked and amber eyes wide and bright for any sign or sound of...

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Mare's Tails and Dragon Scales

Mare's Tails and Dragon Scales by: Theo Winters Part 1 Written for Stormfront Alan moved quickly through the short grass, the thin sliver of moon providing just enough to see by as he reached the old wooden fence. He held himself there,...

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I Sold My Soul To Play The Blues, Ch. 12

I sighed, the bad emotions slowly draining away as my... mate... embraced me. But I couldn't help myself. I had to ask. Sniffling for a second, I looked up at him and asked "Natan, do you really love me?" He looked back down at me, sort of shocked...

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I Sold My Soul To Play The Blues, Ch. 11

"Edison please don't take this wrong, and I certainly mean no disrespect, but I don't think Vrouflings will be making laser disks any time soon. That transistor invention of yours is a start, but to read or make a laser disk you need a computer, which...

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