The Angel of Yiff Chapter 3

The Angel of Yiff Chapter 3 -- This New Life A large German shepherd, larger than most wolves, and larger than all of his teammates already exiting the locker room, stood by his locker. Duncan was a mountain of a dog, his physique highlighted by...

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The Angel of Yiff Chapter 2

The Angel of Yiff Chapter 2 -- I Asked You First Luke rolled over, holding his pillow tightly to his chest. Much earlier in the night, Rei had wandered off somewhere, and Luke wasn't used to sleeping the pillow was having to suffice. ...

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The Angel of Yiff Chapter 1

The Angel of Yiff Chapter 1 -- Bacon Matt pushed open a door well toward the end of his downstairs hallway, "You've slept here before..." He stepped aside, looking back at the raccoon on his heels, "I guess it's yours now." "Thank you, Mr....

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Just another yiff story

He winked at me from across the bar, and for one of the first times in my life, I was happy I was getting attention. It wasn't that I never did anything of importance, just that I always found that fading into the background was a much easer way to...

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the one shot yiff stopper

a random thought of invention if you ever had one of those fur's that just cant seem to leave you alone and just wana yiff it is here the one stop yiff block. they will not be bothering you with so much to read about what is beeing done to them and...

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This Is The Part Where The Fox Yiffs

_This story qualifies as anthro gay pronz, so be warned, or enticed._ \* You must be thinking that I'm crazy, but it's true...Gruffy was hungry for more writing after his quickie, and wrote another story! He is mad! He is...well, he's got a...

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The Angel of Yiff Chapter 17

The Angel of Yiff Chapter 17 -- Hot Stuff Tanya stopped her car on the street in front of the 'Cameron Estate,' and turned to look at the house. She blinked, "So this...'Matt' guy lives here?" Jasyn, sitting in the passenger seat, chuckled and...

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The angel of Yiff Chapter 18

The Angel of Yiff Chapter 18 -- No Comparison Riddick stood just outside the open doorway of his room, pawing a DVD over to a fox in the hall, "I knew I had it. Sorry it took me so long to find." "It's okay!" Alex smiled, standing in the dim...

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The Angel of Yiff Chapter 15

Jasyn pushed open the door to his bedroom, walked over to his bed, and looked at his clock. It was 10 in the morning on the first Saturday of February, and the wolf smiled down at his fox. Last night, Alex had given himself to Jasyn for the first time,...

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The Angel of Yiff Chapter 12

The Angel of Yiff Chapter 12 -- Guardian Angel -- Part 3 of 4 How To Please A big part of me always loved Kevin, ever since we were little...and not just like any little brother looks up to and loves his big brother, either. He took care of...

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The Angel of Yiff Chapter 13

The Angel of Yiff Chapter 13-- Guardian Angel -- Part 4 of 4 How Strong I Am "...and it was just later that same night when I got here to Matt's place." Riddick looked up from the edge of the bed where he was sitting now, and at Luke beside...

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The Angel of Yiff Chapter 14

The Angel of Yiff Chapter 14-- No One Better Duncan pulled his car to a stop outside Jasyn's house and put it in park, and sat there, just staring out the window, without saying a word. Alex sat in the middle of the back seat, just as quiet,...

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