Tickled Pink(ie Pie) - Kinktober 2021, Day 13

That time it was rarity who spoke them, and though the unicorn also made use of magic in her actions, her choice of ticklish torment for her friend couldn't have been more different from twilight sparkle's direct application.

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Wolfen - Chapter 12

"we may be skilled in the use of magic, but we do not, nor do we want others, to think of us as powerful. power puts fear and thoughts of submission into the minds of others. we are here to serve.

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Chronicles of Draxuz: Chapter 1

Dropping her smile and use of magic, she quickly spun back around and dropped to her knees next to the silver wolf.

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The Island Ruins

, tharyn raised an eyebrow, unperturbed by the use of magic upon him.

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Hybrid: CH 13: The Final Requiem

Another swing later his twisted horn was severed, preventing the use of magic. lilith shoved against drauth, pushing him over the precipice. drauth flailed as he fell, smashing into the street below.

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The Alchemist's Assistant Part 4

Paths had sunk into the muck and wouldn't reappear until the sun dried them out several days later, so makeshift paths and detours were common on their way to where the abominable use of magic had taken place mere hours ago.

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Ilorek's Loneliness 5 of 7

A gryphon known for his use of magic! we all know this is going to be one hell of a match, so let's see some fireworks!" the announcer left the grass combat zone to let a referee take his place.

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Dragonheart Part 47

Aussa explained that the use of magic merges with the sand and winds its way like a worm through it. moreover, it is difficult to attack because he, like the user at the same moment when he attacks at the same time could disappear.

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The Fake Idol

Telepathy usually provokes vivid hallucinations in the common beings, but those versed in the use of magic can listen to me."

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Light Bane: Chapter 8

While it was dangerous for ships like the_blackjack_, it was beneficial for a dragon because of her natural use of magic. aside from better control of her ice magic, it also helped her find where her land was like a pigeon knowing where its nest was.

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Vael's life Storm

I should have guessed from your colours, your emotions for others, even from your use of magic. but in the end, your own sister gave away your secret, the embarrassment it must cause to you!"

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The Great and Powerful Backstory!

of magic and restricted from further studies of any advanced spells.

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