I'm Actually In Charge Now

He had brung his 3ds with him again today, so the older canine could only assume he was engrossed in that, for the time being.

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Stralia - Blinding Lights, Powerful Nights

Secondly, while trying to relearn it all, i got myself a 3ds finally after being fed up of being behind the curve and pokemon y, which sapped a bit of my time as well.

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Chapter 38: It begins...

_he'd even ended up getting his own 3ds second-hand from one of jimmy's friends, who was flabbergasted that he was selling his old, cracked screen unit to a grown policeman, of all people!

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Love of the Game

For one, they both had grown up on pokémon as kids, and had stayed loyal to the franchise even as it transitioned to a 3ds era.

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How It Goes - Part 10

Scott has been watching tom practise in mvc3 and sf4, on occasion fiddling with his 3ds. "no, i wanted to spend the night with you." "oh..." tom splays his ears and lowers his head. "why?" "because i want to." scott closes his handheld.

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Chapter 15: Surprise, surprise!

Face stuffed full, jim reached down to his bag and fumbled out his 3ds, tossing the unit to the ranger, who caught it in surprise.

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How It Goes - Part 24

Scott raises his muzzle as he gazes down at the glow from his 3ds. he snorts guiltily to himself when he closes the handheld, and his eyes fall on the paragraph on_richard i_.

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Lust in the Haunted House Part 1: Moving In

He pulled out his 3ds and turned on its camera program making sure that the 3d slide was up all the way. "okay, sis, hold that pose."

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Tales of the Animal Kingdom

They're not the result of the same unpremeditated shopping spree that saw him abruptly acquire comic books and a 3ds - rather, they're something angel found in a plastic bucket at the back of a cupboard, when she thought to go looking, from when she was a

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when cores life changed forever (part 1)

Dc is playing is 3ds that tails gave him for his birthday. so basically no one is really paying attention to him right now. "damn it all they are doing road work now what" "i told you we should have gone the other way.

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The Inescapable Us - Prologue

Next to the counter stood a walrus - engrossed in his 3ds - engaged in unenthusiastic conversation with an arctic fox who manned the till. when the fox spotted the pair, he waved and proclaimed, "afternoon, tom." "yeah, hey," tom replied indifferently.

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Hyde and Chleo - Master Meets Pet

She pulls a 3ds from her pocket and pops the game out so you can see that it was the latest monster hunter tri ultimate.** **he then decided to quiz her.

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