Care Bears Family Adventures, Book 3: Chapter 10

Slippy watched helplessly as her arwing spun out and crashed into the flag ship. it was all he could do to keep firing his beam cannons into the ship, trying to break through its armor.

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Chapter 1 – For the Love of a Vixen

Laser blast after laser blast found its mark on his arwing's aft shields, and the toad was shaken around within his arwing like a rag doll. the warning siren inside the cockpit of slippy's fighter blared.

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Star Fox: An Unexpected Mission: Chapter 10

Wolf demanded, while both the arwing, and the wolven were brought inside of a damaged battle ship. once they were brought inside of the hagar, the wolven and the arwing were immediately powered down to the point that they were not operating.

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Star Fox Reborn Chapter One

Gray sat back in the old, worn seat of the arwing ii. "i'm not lettin' you down, fox," he promised his ancestor. he activated the boost on the arwing and screamed wildly as the old jet burst forward at ludicrous speed. "what the hell?!"

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Recompense of the Fallen

At first glance it looked like an arwing clone, but underneath was a very different beast, one that could survive weapons fire and damage an arwing pilot couldn't dream of.

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Star Fox: First Contact - Mission II

Again, the arwings, the landmasters, the aqua marine, they were heavily customized, upgraded, unique vehicles of star fox that could surely outdo any other known military vehicle these days. how?

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Fox and Krystal's Holiday

"well, as long as we have some free time, i'm gonna take an arwing and fly around a bit." said falco. "what? all this fighting and you want to get back in an arwing? you're pretty crazy falco." slippy said in his constant high-pitched winny voice.

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Slippy Scaled up

Beside that was fox's arwing the least modified of the vehicles a couple mounts for starlink tech, lasers on each wing and three on the nose cone for rapid fire. like it's pilot the arwing was versatile.

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Uncharted Territory [COM]

Our arwings send out a distress beacon the moment something goes wrong, and i know for sure that mine went through. the problem is that they'll only know the approximate area.

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Settling The Score

The only bright side was that fang left the blueprints to his suit in his room for slippy to find and the mechanic immediately got to work with a little modifications of his own while the others prepped the arwings.

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Starfox - What She Deserves

Maybe she was in her arwing running a simulation to get her mind off things.

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Adventures of Krystal, Return to Sauria

She looked to her arwing in the clearing. she could see it though not as clearly as she would have liked in that instance as she moved to the edge.

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