Slaves on the Highseas

Cubs' crew was a vast assortment of furs and scales; reptiles, canines, felines, avian, bovines, rodent, you name it. most were male but there were one or two female members of the crew. silvia the red, a crimson vixen, was one of them.

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Chapter 5: Two souls clash- Opposite Opinions (Part 1)

Meville says," get dressed and look for the high-crew meeting room. i will be there along with others of the high-crew." vixen was suprised that she was a high ranking crew member right of the bat.

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"Daggers of Darkness" - Part 11

Since rhuw-rha'an and her crew already knew standard terran english, they acted as interpreters for the other ships crews.

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All Our Sin's Remembered

As an xo, he possessed incredible powers of persuasion - often - through berating his crew for the slightest thing, but instead of his crew coming to hate their xo, according to the colonel's last evaluation assessments, his crew was amongst the top five percent

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Reconcile Effort (2011)

Not with your current crew, aulien." "you don't know anything _about_ my current crew! if it wasn't for you, i'd still have my _last_ crew," the captain yelled with conviction. "look, i didn't come here to argue.

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Project Zolaris: Ch. 4

Zolaris looked up and over to his crew "four long boats, six men to each should be enough." "aye-aye cap'in." the crew chanted back to zolaris as they worked to drop the long boats requested.

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Out There, Ch 1

Proceed immediately to coordinates of rt-4522 and locate crew. determine if ship can be salvaged, retrieve crew.

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File #8

He nodded silently as he felt the entire eyes of the bridge crew upon him. "we'll mourn them later..." he said, trying not to show any emotion but to be a symbol of strength for the crew to rally behind.

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Chapter I

The deck was a maelstrom of activity as the crew did their best to prevent the ship from being sucked into the wormhole. soon they even had to turn of the artificial gravity. the crew floated around until they tethered themselves to their workstations.

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All Our Sins Remembered - Introduction

As an xo, he possessed incredible powers of persuasion - often - through berating his crew for the slightest thing, but instead of his crew coming to hate their xo, according to the colonel's last evaluation assessments, his crew was amongst the top five percent

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Great Sea Chronicles: Chapter One

Marie liked her crew, it was well diverse species wise and wasn't completely composed of hylians either, a few of her crew like herself were rito's a bird like species that love the wind between their feathers as much as a pirate loves to be out at sea

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The Shocking Tales of Lumen - Prologue

The crew was an odd assortment of soldiers, divers, and eggheads led by a kindly researcher. the crew nursed him back to health and even taught him the basics of the language of the land.

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