The Crass Menagerie

"examples?" "examples? well, if you happen to be homosexual, you're not likely to get moved by a hetero story or art, though nothing says you can't. hey, if you're gay, you're gay.

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INTP Road to Self-Knowledge

That is why working at work is tiring, but for example working on passion is not. therefore, the combination of work and passion would be a success to feel at ease and develop your personality...

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MERVASian Cub Education

"am i still being a good example, mr. gigan?" "you are, boy, you are. now, class, this is an example of what happens when you don't take time to really be careful with someone's butt.

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Savages of The Forest

Here's an example of what i mean: in summer friends would more than likely play outside partaking in catch, baseball, football, soccer etc.

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Scion 2nd Edition Intro

For example, gaea is a titan of the earth and serves as the living spirit of the entire planet itself.

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Political Corruption

Is this setting a good example? is this how people should be running a country? do we want pornography driven politicians?

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Cubby and Alex

He said, "o.k so what you do is grab your wee wee with a paw and rub" and he gave an example with what he was saying and was soon lost in his quest to reach orgasm.

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The Burning Heart Prologue

Oh, and sometimes when he gets excited, he'll reveal his that tight dark pucker, a perfect example of a clean, untouched tailhole.

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From Hero to Slut

In all companies, only managers can drive luxury car, for example bmw 7 series; stay in a luxury house, for example cristiano ronaldo's house," tentomon explained, his eyes turned into '$' sign.** **a grin spread over hawkmon's face, wide and open, showing

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The Mayonian Pack- Chapter 9

Pross followed my example and barred his fangs. together, side-by-side we stood, facing down this fiend.

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The Fire Bar - Digimodify Part 4.5

For example, becoming koromon changes my thoughts, viewpoint, and desires. slightly, but it's there. in the fire bar series, an extreme example can be seen with veemon and flamedramon. armor digivolution is... tricky.

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I might, for example, let a male mount me, or mount my maw, just to let him practice the act. see, we help each other help ourselves.

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