A Tails Tale pt 4- Bomb drop

The idea was to just fix things up but we couldn't help make a lot of extra improvements to chech's apartment. we finished fixing the main problems a long time ago but found that we we're clicking over working together.

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A Small Update

At least that gave credit to his theory fixing the image would fix him in real life.

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True to Form: Part Seven

I motioned vaguely to moose's heavily bound jockstrap when he fixed the food onto the table. he grinned and rubbed his head sheepishly. "yeah, i had carlos fix things up a bit." "wait...," i tried to wrap my head around this. _carlos_ had fixed this?

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Marcus Lane - Chapter Five

"why not fix us some, there's a good boy." marcus couldn't help but shiver with delight at the domineering tone of the doberman's voice.

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Paying Mother's Rent: (2) Goods and Servicing

Those are the rates and if you want me to fix as many pipes as you claim are broken it's going to cost ya at least a thousand dollars, not to mention taking a few days to fix" the pig said sternly as he wiped a bead of sweat from his forehead.

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Shortstack Panda

I'll get a hold of her once i fix myself.' she knew she could use sexual favors to pay for things of course, and since her body longed for it so much, it was just a matter of figuring out who to find to get the money from to fix her body.

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Iron Dragon Chapters 46-47

"are you the fix it man?" jenny asked with all the excitement of a little girl. "i am the fix it man." jim said cheerfully. "jenny over heard some of the field agents say you could fix anything and everything. she insisted we come find you right away."

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Journal Entry 3

A promise for a fix, though i remember what my father told me. if it was easy to fix something no one would get paid to do it.

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True to Form: Part Twelve

"the glitch that carlos reported should have not been possible, seeing that most of the settings were already fixed. i'm sure with all of them fixed now; we should not have any more problems.

Fixer (Excerpt)

You still fix the kinda problems that police can't." i sighed. "i mean this in the nicest possible way, jimmy, but i've stopped fixing them for people like you." "i get it. i don't want you to fix it for me. i want you to fix it for marie.

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MoonDust, Chapter 24

Assuming _anyone_ survived-- imogene wrenched her gaze away and fixed it on the ground. she needed to concentrate. worrying about things beyond her control wouldn't keep her and her friends alive.

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