The Pale

He was still firm, post mortem, while a flayed corpse sat astride his lap. his slit throat did not compare to the exposed ligaments and muscles that had been degloved from the unidentifiable body.

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world of the elements part 3

Then suddenly a blinding pain went through his body like he was being flayed alive. he screamed as the pain spread through his entire body.

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Steelfang: A Tale of Redwall Chapter 5

We considered it a good day if'n we could make it make it t'rough tha day wit'out feeling tha lash 'cross our backs, tha slave master took pride in bein' able in bein' able ta flay to tha bone wit 'is whip an' 'e enjoyed 'is position.

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Zikita: chapter 2

In stead did the this ship slowly flaying upwards. an alien come in through the door. this aliens face was less pointed and more rounded. if this was human i wood say this was a girl.

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Pandora's Templar - Chapter 22

As **_they_** raced toward us to flay us alive with claws and teeth, the reavers with their manufactured scarabs made them _pay_, brutally, for every step they took.

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Spread Pussy - The Rape of Commander Kateisha

Under your breath, you hear him grumble, "i am going to have some stupid engineers flayed alive for not making this easier!" the saurian stands between commander kateisha wide-spread legs. his cock is fully erect. it is long and thick.

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Zweihander - Part 1

The curse flayed his wolfen form once more. gareth bore through the agony of it, feeling the cold chill enter his bones as he fought back a sea of rising nausea.

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Dollies 1

His skin was flayed from his body leaving him looking like a pile of meat hanging from the hooks still under his arms.

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The Great Adventure: Book 1, To what end? chapter 2

I want to flay leschvac for killing his father." rhine nodded. "don't we all, but none more so than maximus" "aye, that is one thing i suppose. i think will all get our turn to hurt that he'mar" "traitor he was, kilam.

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The battle of t'alteran

I wiped the blood on the tattered and flayed armor of a nearby enemy body, then approached the cobalts and issued orders to the drivers. "in 10 minutes, air backup and wounded evac, along with troops, is going to arrive.

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The Brother I Loved

I said, truly hoping he was silent out of understanding and not from thinkin of how he was going to flay me. "dude... you don't have to apologize for somethin like that. i mean... we're all a little weird."

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