Renamon the Birthday Slut

"basically renamon," continues master takato, "i am commanding you to allow him to fulfill his love for you. let him handle you, love you, feel you, and fuck you." i-i feel honored he would offer me such a purpose.

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Careful What You Wish For | Chapter 2 [Comm]

Muarauder's fantasy would be fulfilled to its fullest, he had already found a caretaker who would be willing to do everything that the fantasy included.

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Rites of Passage

They were two wolves, having yet fulfilled their rite of passage into adulthood, and they were unbearably in need to mate.

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An Early Discovery - poetic story

This is a place where dreams are fulfilled, where my heart soars and dreams once more. written by: fane star

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Lesson III

He is stuck in this cycle until one of three things happen; i he should realize that he needs more time to himself so that he may fulfill his desires. ii a even should happen that causes him to see his mistakes.

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Be Careful What You Ask For

When i have received thine seed thou may maketh thy wish and i will fulfill it."

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Tentacle Time

She awoke several hours later, feeling fulfilled and satisfied. this was definitely going to be her new favorite sunbathing spot after all.

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The End Of All Hope?

Prophecies to be fulfilled, destiny's to be made, heroes to be made. new weapons, new danger. new technology. now that the prophecy has been born, it must be fulfilled. sacrifice, heroism, even trickery. xana is now aware of you.

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Data Collecting

Suddenly, the column activated itself, as if something or someone engaged a mechanism that had been set up, a command waiting to fulfill the operation that it was programmed to enact in the first place.

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Azazidazal's beginning

However, unlike the majority of the beasts in the greater expanses of hell, i've not lost my sanity, my mind is not consumed by this forms hunger, even with how high fulfilling that hunger is on my list of priorities.

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Hypnovember 2023 Day 7: Unaware

Stegz said, grabbing a few glasses off of the triceratops' own table before moving on to fulfill another order from a customer.

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The Scent

With his hand and the shaft of his cock now slick with his own cum he pumped himself faster, harder, his body demanding more, insisting upon him fulfilling some deep seeded instinct that involved him cumming, but asked of the tiger something more than that

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