Ray Learns Romance

He found it incredibly gross, tasting his own blood. ray was wrong, ((janik is like ray's opposite)) tibumeru blood was disgusting. "how can you eat us man? that's so gross." "shhhh... shhhhhhhhh. i'm not going to eat you." "that is not what i said.

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A Feisty Fox

That gross boar then lifted his ass a little and farted down into my cage. "you can suck on that for now." the boar laughed as the coon continued to give him head.

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Elecmon's Enema Experence

"you're just so cute i can see past the gross stuff," said gabumon. "besides, i can be gross too." cleaning up took some time and they went through quite a lot of wipes. gabumon put the wipes he had used already in the diaper.

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Lucien: Everything's Different but Nothing's Changed

Lube is gross. everything's gross." "stop it. if i thought this was gross i wouldn't be doing it." tommen sternly denied. "but if you want the towel we'll use the towel.

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Spreading Transformation REDUX - Part 5 - Kindling

"gross! gross gross gross...gross!!!!" she moaned as she tried to wipe off her tongue with the palm of her hands but only made it worse, even her slender arms were covered, there was no part of her free from the contamination.

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in a wolf's body: chpt 16: i will never leave you

Alexi cried "that's gross" complained morgan "what are you doing?" asked julian as he cocked his head and autumn just shook her head disapprovingly.

Dances With Meat...

Languishing in the dungeon, john was pretty much left alone, eating locusts and honey as he did, which kinda grossed people out. at least he was low maintenance...

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Open Office - Chapter 5

"kinda...i mean, it's gross. it's shit; you're not supposed to eat it," jacob rebuffed, though he wasn't sure why he was trying to resist so much. "but you already kinda did.

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Hunted, Part 3: Dinosaur Scat & Target Abduction

While the dinosaur was busy punishing Mark for his uncouth behavior, Arthurius and his wolves were hunting him down. Alfred, the ancient and wise Argentinosaurus, had powerful magics at his disposal, but the pack had sorcery of their own - sorcery...

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WIP Fetish Story is WIP

So, warning to anybody who stares at gross stuff; you will (possibly) end up liking what you see.

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College Sucks: Part 3

He was a little grossed out, but more proud than anything. dan was sitting indian style but stood up to celebrate the td, lifting his bushy tail and arms high in the air. mike smiled to himself as he noticed all the dried cum on dan's backside.

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