Death In A Business Suit P1

People are creatures of habit, it just really depends on what scale and i had a major habit of walking down the same street to work every day, buying the same cup of coffee, and eating the same bagel.

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Chapter Nine

habits were habits and there was no reason to break them now.

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Well After All

._ _that happened very often, ever since i had fallen into my old drinking habit._ _now i was by no means an alcoholic! oh no, sir! i simply drank to make the pain go away.

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Anthropia: Beast Folk Biology

. ------------------------------------------------------- **eating habits:** this section will detail the dietary eating habits of carnivore, omnivore, herbivore, as well as those which are reguarded as "special" eating habits, such as parasites and

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Hell Forged: Epilogue

A lone sister came walking up behind sister lorain, an arctic fox wearing glasses and a similar navy-blue habit holding a ledger.

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Character Bio - Aniro Sukuro

Obsessions/habits: obsesses over missing pages in books; has a habit of sitting in trees when alone; doesn't like being at home when writing.

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Ander - Chapter 5, Subchapter 47

It was an old habit of hers to do this whenever someone asked her if she was hurt, or what had happened to her face, or if she had decided to head-butt a tree stump, and the answer she gave was just as much a habit as everything else. "no, i'm fine."

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"if you tell mom and dad then i suppose they are going to find out about your little habit" jolt said in a sly tone to which josh gave a gulp and ashley gave a puzzled look. jolt then grinned and looked at ashley." you didn't know?

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Ander - Part 5: Subchapter 48

It was an old habit of hers to do this whenever someone asked her if she was hurt, or what had happened to her face, or if she had decided to head-butt a tree stump, and the answer she gave was just as much a habit as everything else. "no, i'm fine."

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No Frills: Napstar

He developed a habit of greedily keeping anything he could, and food became a perfect symbol of this as it was the only thing he really could keep indefinitely: once food was eaten, it was his forever. he kept this habit for life.

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Robin Epilogue

The tigress, who had (after quite a lot of persuasion) finally abandoned her habit frowned and let out a heavy sigh. "i'm sorry, robin... it's just... old habits, and all...

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The new kid

Owen clicked away with his glasses balanced oddly on his beak, just showering phil with school spirit and pride, phil played with the black dot on the end of his tail, something born out of habit, a habit brought on by boredom. he didn't care.

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