Furries University Chapter 3: Green Eyes (V.2)

The dorm buildings didn't quite have the hustle they had when phillip and adrian arrived. the parking lot was however full, and the grounds were dotted with people looking around. "is he gay?" blurted jay. "why?"

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The Hay Bar

They had been well and truly hustled, the two idiots weren't idiots at all, they were damned pool sharks! "you hustled us!" dylan growled and bristled. "yeah, they hustled you good!"

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Zootopia - Life of a trio - Chapter 6

For starters, and the most obvious, he stopped hustling other mammals. that sounds like the very first thing one would expect from someone wearing the blue uniform, but it was more than that.

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A Dog in Blue: Best Laid Plans

The door slowly opened and travis and nathan hustled in. reuben closed and locked it behind him, a smile on his face. "there you guys are," the doberman said with a smile, "you're late."

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[WIP] Älemea's Chronicles - Introduction

._**" they didn't needed more to get up and runs away, hustling a bit each other to go play. the old man was still looking the patch of gold fur in middle of them all, smiling.

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Kaiju Hunters-It Begins

I moved here from earth to get away from all the hustle and bustle of the big city.

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Lagomorphs -- Chapter 3: Colloquium

He lead the enthusiastic applause and then hustled the speaker off the stage. the audience noisily filed out of the cavernous auditorium, leaving the professor to fume on his own. walking back to the lab with his friends, jeff chuckled.

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Sending the letter

There was always a dull hustle around camp, people talking, yelling, laughing, trucks starting, driving. planes taking off or landing. a hammer beating on metal.

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A Day Off in a Cabin

And ever since i inherited this cabin from my grandman, moving away from the hustle and bustle of the big city on occasions is something that makes me happy. - she must have meant so much to you i take it?

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Anthro Adventures At Art Academy (Intro to series)

The slightly smaller than average auburn wolf had enjoyed his time alone so far, it was a big change from the hustle and bustle he was used to, after being stuck in a care home for most of his life.

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Rabbit Heart Pt. 2 - Ch. 14

Agnes hustled over to me and grabbed my arm. "hold on now, sweetie, we need a plan! we can't just go rushing in on this.

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Once Broken Draft 1 CH 15

Jacoby decided on boy, just because he didn't want to think a girl would engage in this kind of hustle. jacoby smiled. "how many credits will it make for you to remember?" the boy snorted. "what my going to do with those?

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