Duncan in Diapers Chap 5

Next came the blue jammies with little dinosaurs on them. "and these are to keep a little puppy warm." duncan let out another little yip as he was zipped up into the pajamas.

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To Hold On To Pt 5

Peeling his blanket out of the way, tyler found a spire jutting through his jammies. his thing was super hard, and he'd only just woken up!

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Muscle Theft on Muscle Beach

His ejaculation was a sad affair compared to vernal's, merely a oozing of a thimbleful of jammy jizz emanating out of the bunched up foreskin that accumulated at the tip of his erect member.

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Quinn's Farm: Chapter 10 - Timmy's Story, Part 1

Alongside the mouse as he began to press his cock just underneath the tail as he slinked his arms underneath timmy's and lifted his greasy paw up and began to run his fingers over the lips of the mouse, whom timmy began to lick back and suckle on the butter and jammy

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Rainy Day Blues Chapter 11

Just go get some jammies on first," he said, and looked up at teddy. the fennec's tail was curled up between his legs, covering his manhood. "don't shower for so long," keith said. "hot water isn't cheap."

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Chapter 11: Failure Point

I put my paws up, and after a little turning, fussing, giggling and fumbling got zipped up into the jammies. "let's try this again shall we?" big hands wrapped around my middle and set me down looking in the big mirror at a cute baby vixen in a sleeper.

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Double J

It's going to be lights out in twenty minutes, so get into your jammies now." jayden and jacen's mom said, poking her head into the living room. "connor, i'll be back in a minute to help you get ready." she disappeared, leaving connor confused.

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Quinn's Farm: Chapter 10 - Timmy's Story, Part 1

Alongside the mouse as he began to press his cock just underneath the tail as he slinked his arms underneath timmy's and lifted his greasy paw up and began to run his fingers over the lips of the mouse, whom timmy began to lick back and suckle on the butter and jammy

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Age Regression

Ten minutes later he is freshly bathed and in clean pair of jammies. thourally humiliated and defeated all he can do is hold onto his mom as she brings him back into his room.

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Weekend At The Smiths

Getting caiden's jammies out of his dresser he put him into a pair of blue ones with rubber ducks on it before giving him a kiss on the head and tucking both boys in and giving jr a kiss on the head as well. "sleep tight boys."

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A New Best Friend: Collaboration with DA1337WOLF

Let's get you two upstairs and into your jammies." mrs. roo picked andlat up as well. "what do you normally wear to bed at home, rachael?" "pajamas," the wolf replied "but i will wear whatever you give me." "jammies sound fine to me.

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A New Best Friend!

Let's get you two upstairs and into your jammies." mrs. roo picked andlat up as well. "what do you normally wear to bed at home, rachael?" "pajamas," the wolf replied "but i will wear whatever you give me." "jammies sound fine to me.

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