Care Bears Family Adventures, Book 4: Chapter 15

Like with anger heart, aqua and lonesome had refused to leave redemption while she was being treated. "same effects, but she doesn't seem to be holding up as well," get well said.


The Fox and the Demon

._ "they really just left you here all by your tragic," the demon sighed, flicking its barbed tail. i felt its amber eyes bore into me, but once again i ignored its gaze. instead, i stared at a drip coming from the roof.

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The Madness of Mrs. Frank

Sighing lonesomely, i resumed once again, to line the pentacle i had created with strings of runes from a book of ill repute obtained by someone of equally shady disposition.

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Key to a Certain Lock

They say a man's best friend is his left paw on lonesome nights. i liked to agree on some level.

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Encounter At Kirk's Rock

The mountain lion looked over the lonesome terrain and told his men, "let's round up the horses. we'll try over at that similarly shaped outcropping over yonder."

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Working Hard

._ heavy boots on a metal walkway suspended on the outside of a building that seemed to extend down into endless nothingness, the groan of the bolts affixing it to the wall not bothering the lonesome worker: they had held for years, surely they would hold

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Rainy Day

She knew how to use them, her father had been a fan, and he had taught her how to use the one that still sat, gathering dust now, the map full of pins faded and lonesome in the basement.

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Moonlit Desires

They spoke to him, hushed whispers promising release from his lonesome position, offering the chance to be with her again, if only for a time. resolve began to slip away before his moonlit desires.

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Halloween Spirit

One day, while he was walking the sidewalk by his lonesome, he noticed the lack of halloween spirt in everything he saw.


Russian It? Chapter 22

The poor guy's been so lonesome recently. but _please_, keep it to yourselves. the whole thought in itself disturbs me to no end." "yes, sir!" i shouted, saluting.

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Desolate Dreams of Romance

A lonesome canine returns to the only watering hole in town to look for romance in a place he'd failed many times before. all around me is desolate. the bar, the people it contains, all have a desolate past and desolate dreams.

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To Alaska: Chapter 1 Revise

My room was nearly cleaned out; my desk and bed frame sat there, free of all that had been plagueing them...all but one, lonesome picture sitting well out of place on the desk. i picked it up and stared at it for the longest time. in it, was chris and i.

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