Alessandra's Journal- part 1

I apologize that you have stumbled into my lair in such a state of disarray, but since you're here anyway perhaps i might be of some help to you.

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Rhannah and Halia 4

You stumble from job to job, dropping each one only to stumble into the next, and you don't have any friends, because you don't stop to have the initiative to talk to anyone. everyone has to come to you."

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Wasp's Surrogate 3

He stumbles out the door and into the bright day, causing him to squint and cover his eyes as he scans the street. "so hot..." he groans. "so bright." "whoa, buddy, what the hell is going on?"

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Who's Cackling Now?

The hyena stumbled, caught off-guard. the hyena had been holding the spear awkwardly, by the base instead of the neck. he was completely off-balance. with the hyena stumbling forward, the fox thrust the spear back with all his strencth.

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Mystic Forest

She ground her teeth and narrowed her eyes, stumbling away as quickly as she could. even with the ropes about her ankles, she could run. somewhat. though it was a staggering, stumbling affair. one that left her feeling like a newborn foal.

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Designated Driver

One of the shark's hands moved to push him forward so he stumbled into the hall and through the door open across from the bathroom.

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A Life In Chains: Chapter Ten

I stumbled blindly down every turn i found, praying i would find my way back to somewhere familiar; as it would have it luck seemed to be against me.

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A Life Yet Lived - Chapter 1 (Part 1)

He stumbled twice, but managed to stay upright this time. she scratched her head again, puzzled by his words. "uh...dream? what dream?" "this dream, right here!" he called back to her before stumbling again.

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Temple of the Sexes

He at last shouted in his average male voice as he stumbled towards the direction of the entrance.

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A Mage's Desires: The first casualty.

#4 of a mage's desires a young man just going about his daily life stumbles into an unfortunate fate as the werewolves look to spread their seed. a young man strolled over to the village's water well for a fresh drink.

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Jamie vs Eddie [Hardcore match]

Jamie stumbles quite a bit from the punch, his cheek stung and burned in pain from the beating he's taken so far in this match.

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Where Love is Never Felt

Covering my ears against the laughs stinging like needles as they see me wounded see me cry, i stumble into my room collapsing on the bed only to curl under a blanket crowded by pillows trying to feel comfort as i cry myself to sleep for sweet sleep is the

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