Finding the Line Draft 1 CH 23

He'd willed some of it into the symbols, he should be able to do the same here. he'd will more, but how much would be needed to burn it. he shrugged.

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The Lead Crown: Ch 3b, The Prodigy (Pt 3)

Waterside fidgeted, his webbed digits wringing together in his lap, "the men of symbol have moved into the forest... in large numbers." the prince paused, licking his suddenly very-dry muzzle.

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A Lesson in Alchemy

"okay, so first you want to draw a symbol to represent what you would like to summon to the parchment. we can use the universal table here to find the symbol for the desired substance."

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Care Bears Family Adventures: Book 1, Chapter 7

His symbol was aglow and he shouted the first words that came to mind. "care bear stare!" a beam of white energy fired off form his tummy symbol and struck no-heart squarely in the chest.

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Under The Cherry Blossoms Chapter Ten

The symbol he had drawn before was supposed to be related to plant growth and other plant based magics. however the symbol alone was just a means to facilitate the process. without the rest of the spell it was just a symbol that could hold mana.

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Tales of Earth and Animalia Prologue

The dagger in his left hand was an intricately designed dagger with the symbol of magic and the dagger in his right hand was a plain dagger with the symbol of spirit.

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Care Bears Family Adventures: Book 1, Chapter 6

Sage heart tried to activate his tummy symbol, but nothing happened. he looked down then tried again. his symbol lit up briefly only to fade as he felt the shock run through his heart.

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Shae's Journey - Chained and Changed

They had no symbols on them, but that arrow symbol was engraved upon the lid of the box. shae could see it as they presented it to the dragoness.

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The Twelve Talismans - Chapter 1 - The Rabbit Talisman - Super Speed

The symbols seemed to reappear on his skin whenever he thought about them. "these symbols, they are magic! that is just... so awesome! oh i have got to show somebody this!" the seal smiled as he touched the rabbit symbol again.

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Care Bear Magi Life Chapter 38

Flash heart stared down at his chest symbol.

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The Society, CH 19

To see if he could, he willed some of his energy to jump to the symbol, and a small burst of light did just that.

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Lonely Oak Chapter 117 - Senet

The corner at the tigress's right had symbols etched and painted into the squares. they went in an _l_-shape, five going from the corner along the row to the middle, and the sixth symbol set oddly alone in the middle row.

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