Descent Ch 2 Pt 1: Recruitment

Only yesterday, i woke up on the ground in the middle of a supposed warzone and now... now i'm getting ready to receive weapons and gear to be able to go on reconnaissance with some guy who saved my life.

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Sages, Chapter 3: These Falser Lights

"kid, it's a warzone. you'll get killed." "i can fend for myself. i have personal business to attend to" i said, not allowing my gaze to stray towards him.

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Wolves' Legacy 2: Chapter 4

"(he's the one that got us out of the warzone in the first place, so we chose him as our leader. he can be pleasant enough if you're getting the hang around him)."

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Realms of Valeron - Chapter 10

Bits of pebbles were strewn across the ground, like a little rock garden in the middle of a warzone. "i, uh" he stuttered, "i wasn't roleplaying. i just don't react well to surprises." the cat nodded.

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Sages of the Hidden Lights: Chapters 7-10

"kid, it's a warzone. you'll get killed." "thanks for your concern, but i can fend for myself. i have personal business to attend to," i replied simply.

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Sages of the Hidden Lights: Chapters 4-6

You're charging into a warzone, aiko," maren commented tentatively, following me outside. "i've got my books. that's all i need. i'm a skilled sorcerer, and i don't want any extra weight on me."

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Wastelands-Chapter 28-The Dead City Part 1-A Snowball's Chance In Hell

Houston is a fuckin' warzone. keep in mind, we haven't gone through it all, but while we were in-route here, our comms officer tore into the intel we found in that shadow company truck back at alex's place and what he found is concerning.

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Spellbreaker part 5: Beacon

"at least when it was a classroom and not a warzone, anyway." matthew looked up to the roof, which was also displaying burnmarks and missing holes that he could have easily slipped into.

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A special bunny in the big city

She moaned, mewled, babbled incoherently while the small bunny-sized apartment turned into a cummy warzone for minutes on end, minutes she spent on the bed, making love to her horse-sized cock on a bed far too small to withstand the strength of her passion

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WDR: Rebirth Chapter 22

"half the city's a warzone," terran said. "we have to get across tonight." "it won't matter if they close the bridge," nesse said. "can't y'all just fly over?" janine asked. "oh, sure we can try it and catch a bullet for our troubles.

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Chapter 7 Town under attack

Damon slammed on the breaks just in time as a peterbilt 281 with a tractor trailer plowed past crushing several marauder cars in its path, the town was a warzone, fights every where!

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Chapter 11: Reunion

Chris cut her off "i know, but were the only ones who have had major experience with these types of creatures, some of these soldiers haven't even been in the warzone.

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