For Old Time's Sake: Finale

"crestus azalus himself has asked us to retrieve some magical artifacts for him. we won't be able to succeed without a healer." i remembered hesitating, but i agreed to join them.

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The Power of Love: Preparation is the Key To Success (Part I)

 "i shall be the first magician _ever_ to study those magical artifacts! do you hear me, minky? why, i'd be willing to bet that the guild will name me master magician by the time i'm through! yes, yes, i can see it now!"

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White City Chronicles, Pt. 1

Most people thought of the group as siblings, perhaps triplets (though they do not appear the same age) who have access to overwhelming magical artifacts that grant them great power.

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Value of a Stone

magical artifacts lay on shelves, tools for his work on crafting better and stronger equipment for those who earn, or can pay for, such glorious artwork. "so you want to barter for better equipment, hm?"

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Predilection: CH 7: Fight and Flight

"or perhaps there's a certain magical artifact to blame..." "what was that?" kira questioned him. "nothing, just reminiscing." "don't you have some piloting to do?" "oh, yes, what was i thinking?

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Chapter 6 Choosing Sides

The necromancer took a peek at the inside, only taking a passing interest in the magic artifacts and the home décor in the chamber then turned to see that his minions were unable to cross the threshold.

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Servant of Darkness - Ch. 7: Returning Home

This story follows the travels of dougal mcmannus and his guild of thieves as they seek out rare and magical artifacts.

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Attention for Andrew - Part Three (A Jeeves Prompt, Posted with Permission)

He didn't know what he had done to deserve this, or whether it truly was just a complete act of random chance that had placed him in that closet at work with a long forgotten magical artefact and the even more magical spirit it contained.

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Chapter 27

It was lucky, then, that lord alcyrion had created a magical artifact in the past to deal with the cryptic void language." "wait, so lord alcyrion created the ulnth?" "yes. and, that is why it can translate the void runes in the temples as well.

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Altar of Power

Olivia made sure it was well known that she would pay fairly for magical artifacts and a seeing lens would certainly pick up what was hidden in the pages. what made it so delicious was the coyote had no idea what he had stumbled into.

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Episode Fourteen: Home Movies, Sleeping Sheep

"yeah magical artifacts can be a bit exhausting i hear. especially the more powerful ones. it's one reason i love technology so much, you can have all the power in the world, but none of the exhaustion.

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