FA Prompt Request 1

The braixen, shocked and startled by the sudden appearance of the smaller female, eyes widened, hand tightened on her stick. she relaxed a bit, looking around. "i-i don't know anybody." she said, bringing a frown to the vulpix's muzzle.

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Never steal from a dragon [Commission]

Extormus purred, gently thrusting his hips against the smaller female, testing the resistance of the incredibly alluring kobold pussy with his malehood. "i'll show you the pleasures a dragon can offer... you just might even enjoy it..."

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Never steal from a dragon

Extormus purred, gently thrusting his hips against the smaller female, testing the resistance of the incredibly alluring kobold pussy with his malehood. "i'll show you the pleasures a dragon can offer... you just might even enjoy it..."

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Alice Dippleblack in On The Run Ch3

Danahlia sits up and takes the smaller girl in her arms, "calm down, we're safe in here." as if to challenge this, the shack creaks noisily under the relentless storm.

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Against the Flow: Troubled Times.

Ocarina lifted the smaller girl to her feet before flushing. "i had a feeling you'd need to be sick." ocarina said gently, brushing hair from undine's face.

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Triple Decker

Seeing alder there hadn't surprised him since he had spent the night with the dark colored male and the smoky colored male; but seeing the smaller female there had been a little surprise.

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Witch Blood - 10

Then she lunged forward and scooped the smaller woman in for an overly friendly hug. bare skin engulfed rhea's face but her ears were still uncovered. "i love an audience!

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Everyone Does It: Surface Tension

The pregnant ferretess could feel her unborn squirming in her belly under the weight of this smaller female. krystal, of course, was being as careful as she could be with candy's bundle of joy.

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Aellynh's Birthday Surprise

Athran, a large and well built male shadow dragon of deep blacks and purples to his left and mirrdae, a slightly smaller female of light sky blues and whites complete with bits of fur of her own to the rear right.

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In a corner, a smaller, female corpse clutched the remains of two tiny corpses. they all had been killed with one blast... not daring to breathe, i wrenched the shotgun from the man's hands and stumbled out of the room, slamming the door shut.

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The Bargain

But the demon seemed intrigued, almost aroused by her actions, licking his lips he moved closer to the wares, bringing his nose into the crook of her neck to take a deep sniff of the smaller female. "what is her status."

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No-Nut Narrator: Nov. 10-12 (Ass; Distracted; Blue)

Just about every night, the two dragons would spoon until they fell asleep, with t'lak's strong arms wrapped tightly around the smaller female's torso.

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