The Way Of The Golden Ghost

He had to have met the golden ghost, and after deciding to go with him, got betrayed by him, and i'll never forgive that cheating coyote for that. and yet i am angry at rautier for not getting away too.

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Anthro Sex Squad Story 1 - Vibra's Story; Chapter 9

Anthro Sex Squad Story 1 - Vibra's Story By Killenor Arc 1 - Origins Chapter 9 Wethers smiled as he bounced his son upon his knee. The young lamb was the spitting image of himself right down to the shape of the white patch of hair on his muzzle....

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Children of the Milk

I was falling. Falling forever. Falling in a bottomless pit of sorrow. All around me I watched people pass by. All of them were friends of my parents. They had all come to pay their respects. I was felt like I was alone. It was a closed casket funeral...

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In My Head.

Has nothing to do with Endeavor. Keep in mind Ariel is a white stalion and Alexander and Dyson are Dragons. This was yet another english project for valentines day. If its good enough I may be able to continue it. February 15,...

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Vengance of the Swarm

With Pigma dead and the aparoid swarm in retreat there was nothing left to do but tend to the wounded and cure the infected, Fang was among the relief squads as were the rest of the team and after so many years mobotropolis was back to the war torn...

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Anthro Sex Squad Story 1 - Vibra's Story; Chapter 7

A surge of indignation swept through vibra at seeing those whom she came to care for betray her. how could they do this after she had only ever worked to help them? the people advanced, yelling and throwing their sticks and rocks.

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The Beginning With No End (Chapter 7)

I jumped up startled from the nightmare I was having, the movement make Narei, whom I was leaning to stir and rub his eyes. He opened one eye, to see my standing there looking...

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Chapter 47: The Stolen

"she betrayed taigi and i! she has taken my mate as her own, she has taken my wealth and my home . . . and she's made me _fat_ to boot." she clenched her fists.

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Prelude: part 1

Anthon lied while taking her hand and pulling her along with mirth, trying to drown out the thought of betrayal entering his mind. it didn't talk long to rip off lacie's clothes; she barely had anything on as it was.

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War - Chapter 1 - Shattered

So, decided to finally get around to posting the story I've been working on. It pretty much covers most of my main Roleplay character's backstory. So to anyone interested, enjoy? (((Before we start the first chapter, there are a few things I really...

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Mopar: College Story Part 1

It was quite a cold Saturday night, Mopar sitting on his dorm bunk and reading up on his favorite novel, "I, Sniper" once again, deeply suspended in a cliff-hanging tale where the former sniper took a fatal shot at the enemy. He laid across his...

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The Orphan book 1 chapter 2

Chapter two The Dream When I arrived home after dropping jasper off at the airport, I found another car in the circular driveway. Seeing this I stopped my car at the beginning of the drive way and pulled a standard .45 pistol out of the...

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